(Hey Qawsed, here's the Beefcake calc)
Leading off the recent Jet Drive Arrow calc, I am revisiting several dragon level calculations. First, I would like to approach Beefcake’s equation by revisiting his height. The groundwork is already laid here- we have the panel with pixels counted and a low-end of pulverization and a high-end of vaporization. The only question remaining is… how big is Beefcake really?
While the OPM data book gives a straight answer and says Beefcake is 270 meters, Beefcake’s height in the manga, anime and webcomic never approaches that figure. Instead, Beefcake normally appears to be several km tall. But on Matthew Schroeder’s suggestion, I will recalc Beefcake’s height as it appears on the page where the feat is shown.
Since the buildings in the topmost panel are not detailed enough to accurately gauge their height, I will scale Beefcake’s wrist to the bit of collapsing building in the bottom left panel.
Building = 68 pixels/ 4 stories = 17 pixels per story, story = 4.3 m, (0.253m per pixel)
Wrist in lower panel = 275 pixels, 69.5m
Okay, now let’s take that height into the topmost panel. These pixels for Beefcake’s height and the crater width+ depth have already been measured, but I will measure them myself just to be sure and scale them to the wrist.
Wrist in upper panel = 24 pixels, 69.5m (2.895m per pixel)
Height= 350 pixels, 1013.3 m
Crater width= 389 pixels, 1126.2m
Crater height= 275 pixels, 796.1m
And to double check the height, I’m going to scale two buildings in the left side of the top panel (since these are relatively clear of the blast and surrounded by many other buildings), a short one and a tall one. If they have normal building heights, this should indicate we're relatively close to the mark.
Short building= 2 pixels, 5.8m
Tall building= 9 pixels, 26.1m
The short building is between one and two stories tall, and the tall building is about 6 stories tall. Looks good, now we will move forward with the given crater depth and width.
I will use the ellipsoid formula and divide by half to account better for the dimensions of the crater’s odd cylindrical shape. The sides are steep but seem to quickly curve into a flattish surface which is lost to light, so a cone formula would miss much of the hole volume. Given the unclear shading, the crater may also go deeper than we can see.
4/3πabc=(4/3 x π x 56310 x 56310 x 79610)/2 ≈5.28685×10e14cc
LE (pulverization)= 2.64343x10e14 x 214.35 = 1.1332363×10e17 joules or 27 megatons, 7-B
HE (vaporization)= 2.64343x10e14 x 27500 = 1.45388375×10e19 joules or 1623 megatons, High 7-A