The portal closed behind the group...
As the group entered through the portal, they were met with a decently sized city, with various knights of mostly human and draconian origin being stationed at various points of the city. Some buildings were heavily damaged, but, all in all, with various people working on repairing said destruction, it was reasonable to say that the city was in a "decent" state for now.
"Welcome back, Lady Diana!" One of the knights stomped over to her, bowing courteously.
"What's our situation?" The Dragoness asked, noticeably shorter than her own knight, but nevertheless she seemed respected.
"Nothing much changed in your absence. Are these the new recruits?" The knight asked, now standing up straight.
"Temporary recruits, yes, lent to us by the Archbishop." Diana said, crossing her arms.
"So he finally yielded and sent more troops? Marvelous! And... these are... the troops?" The knight asked, eyeing the group.
"They are capable, worry not." Diana said, "I trust that they'll contribute somewhat..."
"Are you sure, my lady...? We are all aware that Everians are not the most-" Diana cut her knight off in the middle of his sentance.
"Physically inclined? I'm well aware. I didn't bring them for their physical strength alone." Diana said, "Both of them are capable magicians in their own right, more so for the woman. And the boy has crafted enchanted items for our men to increase their strength, even if a little. Erase any bias from your mind."
The knight nodded, "Y-Yes, my lady!" He said, bowing to her once more.
"Good. Now, lead them to their lodgings and prepare for march at sundown." Diana orders, causing the knight to stand up straight once more.
"Yes, my lady!" The knight said, turning to the group. "Follow me, please!"