I'm kind of split on this. As a Marvel fan, I like the release of new contents, especially contents as exciting as Eternals, Multiverse of Madness and so on. It feels good the MCU is embracing the most fantatistical and cosmic aspects of the comics, it gives us good variations and more epic movies and series and it also allows him to vary their style and gives people a larger scope of things to discover and (hopefully)like.
On the other hand, I really don't like how Disney is getting more and more control over pop culture. Putting culture under the hands of one single entity is a bad thing, we need different studios, styles and so on and more Marvel contents will unfortunately enforce this situation. Also, I like the MCU, I really do but too many of their movies follow the same path and style. A big problem I had with Captain Marvel, BW or BP was the amount of jokes wasting the dramatic moments because it feels those movies can't afford being too dark and somehow need jokes (and sorry but many of them are really bad) and I have a big problem with this, just like I have a problem with demystification of characters like Thor being treated as a complete joke with his depression in Endgame instead of being dramatic and sad or Fury's eye. I'm not asking for something as dark as Batman v Superman and certainly not something like Fate: Zero for example but I'd prefer the MCU to be more serious and dramatic. On a minor note, there's also the waste of some characters with great potential (like Klaue and Taskmaster) and some CGI.
Overall, I think that's a good thing we have more Marvel content and they get better and more epic but I hope they will change their style in the future.