Speaking of the goddess that won my heart
Carol is indeed physically the strongest.....i can never understand the reason why people hate or dislike her....but then Wanda is seriously dragging for the first spot ever since I saw WandaVision which is the same for 90% of the love people have for Wanda today.
Reasons for why Carol isn't liked:
1) Some people are just misogynistic jerks who don't like it when a woman is strong
2) The actress isn't great at all
3) We didn't really have time to bond with her character, she has one movie (wich is ok), 10 minutes in Endgame and a cameo in Shang Chi
4) The character is way too overhyped, especially in Endgame where she acts like she's gonna solve everything by herself, with the promo saying she's the strongest Avenger, she's a key component of Endgame and will be essential in the fight against Thanos. The result? She acts arrogant and even a bit condescending, she's a living Macguffin who only appears for 10 minutes and her only contribution is to casually tank a headbutt from Thanos before being taken out of the fight. And even then, she clearly struggles at least a bit against Thanos, whereas all Wanda had to do to submit him was raising her hand and the only reason he wasn't killed is because she decided she wanted to have some fun before killing him, wich she would have done without the rain fire order (not could, WOULD). Take note that at this point, Carol has been developping her powers for 30 years so she's already at her peak, while Wanda has had her powers for what, four, five years, and didn't even know about Magic or the real nature of her powers at the time so she's barely tapping into her potential yet she did much better than Carol on vritually every level.
And honestly, her movie is (for me) okay at best, the character herself is good but that's it and the powers aren't really exceptional (she's basically Superman but brighter). Wanda is much better in terms of character and design, Olsen is a much better actress, her great moment in Endgame is much more memorable and above all satisfying, her powers are much more impressive, versatile, unique and spectacular and her costume as the Scarlet Witch much better.