As Jeanne passed out, the flames surrounding the flaming man began to dissipate...
"Haha...!! Finally! Freedom...! I'm free-" But as the flames would dissipate, his broken, torched body, which was only kept alive by the scarlet fire, crumbled away into nothingness. And as the leader perished, returning to dust, so did the beasts...
Diana grumbled. She wanted to investigate where the leyline was, but, the enemies had been destroyed, so... Maybe the burning man was the leyline? She didn't know. Right now, they had to get to Velen and report, that much she agreed with. She began kicking off the air, flying.
Cain and Sylvia had long since left the battlefield, well, they left once the enemies died along with their leader. No enemies, no reason to stay, after all. Velen was nowhere in sight once everybody had left, and he hadn't seemed to be keeping tabs on the current events, but it was unlikely he wasn't. Now, they had to locate Siglos, wherever the twink was.