For context mobius says "illusion -projection" as an ability Loki has mistaking what he's actually doing, here's the conversation on the matter:
Loki: "Duplication-Casting."
Mobius confused responds again saying "Illusion Projection."
Loki clarifies saying "No, They're two completely different powers actually. "
Mobius ask "how?" and Loki responds stating
"Illusion-Projection involves depicting a detailed image from outside oneself, which is perceptible in the external world whereas Duplication-Casting entails recreating an exact facsimile of one's own body in it's present circumstance, which acts as a true hologram mirror of it's molecular structure."
That's all there is to it for that
Thank you. So it sounds like Loki can... use magical holograms to "mirror" (I presume he means "make an exact visual likeness/replica of".) the molecular structure of things?
this could work along with the eldritch not being able to physically harm it by normal means.
Pardon my petty pedantry pointing-out, please, but it's
Eldridge. Sorry.
Yeah I agree to this, she even states that they made brief contact with each other. It does envelope her and then dissipates lettings her go after her brief enchantment
Given the mental nature of her enchantment/telepathic abilties, I'd be very confident she's referring to mental contact, as opposed to physical proximity contact.
Is there other content that can support her having been more certainly in physical contact?
But yeah, it may be good to get a GIF or such showing off her being eveloped & then it dissipating; I think it'd be useful to be able to link on the profile. For one, it shows off that she can make mental contact with such atypical beings on short notice.
That said, if it dissipates after the mental contact, it could be out of shock/alarm/fright/confusion. There's definitely support for Alioth having a psyche, since it doesn't abandon its duty of hiding the base until effectively mind controlled, & we've seen it can be distracted & can have focus on things.
It could be that it didn't start affecting Sylvie because the mental contact with her made it lose focus on trying to devour her before it could. But of course, if Sylvie's powers do still seem to require some kind of physical contact to achieve mental contact.
So I'd still say I approve Limited Resistance at least, since she was in physical(?) contact long enough to make mental contact, albeit seemingly briefly, & that mental contact is that which caused a reaction in Alioth, making it dissipate, presumably because of something about that mental contact.
looking back it appears to be some sort of aging or decay ability, it leaves metals rusted after contact and anything else is completely erased however looking at how the Eldridge crew dies they're definitely either being decayed or what's more likely absorbed to the point where they're skeletons and then to nothing.
I think this could be plausible. If "The Void" (IIRC, that's what they call where Loki is sent to.) is meant to be "the end of time" & there's some kind of deception of the TVA going on by whoever our mastermind is, then a rapid aging effect to destroy things would make sense.
After all, if you're at a place you (perhaps falsely?) tell your deceived servants is called the "End of Time", how better to get rid of undesirable things than by aging them to nothingness? If you want to keep up the ruse it's the end of time, then destroying by aging makes sense.