(Yeah just gonna ignore it and continue the thread.)
Cain sat in her room silently, curled up on her bed. Surprisingly... she wasn't training. Which perplexed even the girl herself. Whenever she had free time, she'd always either be training, or sleeping, or hanging out with Sylvia, and yet, she was doing neither of those things. An inexplicable feeling of scorn filled her breast as the thought of Sylvia came up in her mind, causing the girl to grit her teeth.
She remembered Sylvia's expression at the front gates. How she clenched her fists enough to make them bleed, how she held back her strife, and could only inwardly contain her strife. Sylvia was to selfless. She despised the fact that her actions could cause negative impact to people she cared about, and that made her vulnerable, especially when dealing with him. Siglos. Her... boyfriend. That leach, that only served to drain Sylvia's life, forcing the woman to keep everything bottled in. He was like a parasite leaching off of Sylvia's kindness, only gaining everything and giving nothing back in return.
Cain got up from her bed, planting her feet into the ground. She stormed out of her room, but not loud enough to make anymore... trouble. She'd already heard Jeanne's screams, and even Cain was smart enough to know it wasn't the best idea to cause a scene. With relative, but not particularly loud storming, she knocked on Siglos's door, the force of her enormous fists hitting the door causing it to shake violently.