If you don't mind, I honestly do have some speculation regarding Kamiya's tweets that could be helpful here. I just want to make something abundantly clear first. I do not expect you or anyone else to agree with me on this, and it's not being included as a part of the CRT I've mentioned a few times. With that out of the way... I do honestly still think that Kamiya's tweet about Universal Mundus can still be considered reliable. Here's why.
1: The statement is not nearly as vague as it is usually made out to be. In the question Kamiya answered, the person asked "During DMC1, Mundus performs a feat where he seemingly creates stars and constellations, is it accurate?" to which he responded "Universe". One of the reasons often given as to why it is not a reliable answer is that it is a vague response, however saying this implies that they were being evasive, dodging the question, or giving an answer that didn't really answer the question at all. If you take a proper look at the answer he gives, it doesn't match this description. It's certainly got strange wording, but it was still a perfectly fine answer in the circumstances that does confirm what the OP wanted to know.
2: Why did he have strange wording for it in the first place though? I have two major reasons; he is known to write extremely informally, and he's clearly not very proficient with English. First, his informality. You can see this on just about any English tweet he makes. He almost always either answers questions with just sentence fragments, or just very simple sentences. It's clear that he never puts in more words then he needs to get his point across. And really, he's on Twitter. The platform where you are supposed to write as few words as possible. It's clear that "Universe" in context while answering the question just meant "He made a universe" or something along those lines. As for the lack of proficiency with English... just, look at his Twitter. The few English tweets he's made have terrible spelling and grammar, and it's gotten to the point that he has literally made a rule against anyone who speaks English trying to contact him. Clearly he isn't too good at writing it.
3: Here's a point that almost nobody brings up: Why did Kamiya clarify his earlier statements later? When he was asked again about Mundus creating a universe, he directed them to his previous tweet where he answered it. Why would he have even bothered answering, let alone with a reply that further clarifies his previous statements, if they weren't being serious in the first place?
4: Here's another point that's rarely brought up. This tweet is extraordinarily out of character for him when he's just trolling. You can see whenever he's asked about how powerful DMC characters are that he'll almost always say something along the lines of "Ask them" or "Ask ur Mom". Trolls may be annoying, but they are usually pretty consistent. For him to answer a question purely to trick us into thinking that he had relented is extremely unlikely. It's just not in his character to do that.
That of course, brings up the elephant in the room. Why would he have answered every other question about Mundus' strength sarcastically and then also said that he doesn't like people who make Vs Matches only to answer a question about Mundus' strength genuinely once? Well, the answer is actually far more intuitive then you would think.
5: The question wasn't explicitly about Mundus' strength. Here at the wiki, we consider feats of creation to equal their potential for destruction. However, this is not the common view of how it works. Hell, I only got on here a few months ago, and when I first did and discovered that "creating a dimension = destroying a dimension" I was genuinely really confused. So were a few other people I've talked about this wiki with before. That's the difference between this question and the rest. The rest of the questions are all about how powerful they are in comparison to other characters, or how much power they really have, or something along those lines. Being asked what exactly Mundus created at the end of the game would not have made him think that this is another guy looking to make Versus Matches. It would have just come off as a regular question that he wouldn't have known the implications of.
Again, I want to restate this. I am not suggesting this should be made into a CRT on it's own to try and get 3-A Mundus reinstated. I still don't expect you to agree with me. This is simply my two-cents on the issue as to why I still personally believe 3-A Mundus to be correct, even if the wiki as a whole would almost certainly disagree. Still, I am curious what any of you think.