I've actually seen several of them. Like those who harassed August Ames until she hanged herself and they congratulated themselves over this. Or the people saying that if you didn't like Birds of Prey, you're a sexist, even if your grievance wasn't the main cast (same goes for Black Panther, if you think the actors were really good but the CGI were shit, you're racist for them), Or, in my country, a guy on Youtube who calls himself progressist yet says stuff like pyramids have no historical importance and are just there for tourists or saying to a transexual "If you were a real trans, you wouldn't say that", yet the guy is widely known for being an delusional asshole calling everyone around him fascist, accusing movies like Green Book to promote racism, insulting people on Twitter and accusing them of being racist, homophobic, etc, without any proof and even said that, since Ben Shapiro didn't like Star Wars IX, if you agree with Ben Shapiro on the movie, then you agree with his political opinions and you're facist, all the while calling himself a true progressive and dismissing almost everybody else. Which is funny considering many LGBT people on the french Twitter actually DESPISE the guy for being a hypocritical harasser who makes their cause look like shit and many of his old fans just gave up on him when he started acting like a colossal dick