Fwyzzverse Andytrenom Fwyzzverse wrote on Andytrenom's profile.
Hello I would like to have your approval on this thread if you don't mind, thank you in advance.
Black Clover new CRT upgrade: I WANT TO TEAR DOWN !!!
Before reading the CRT I warn you that it contains spoil of chapter panel 369 those who do not want to be spoiled leave 🚨🚨 As we know, members of the Black Clover have received anti-magic, which gives them their own form of Anti-magic, in the new chapter they faced Lucius, and more...vsbattles.com
Changes to the tiering system, particularly regarding Tier 0, could result in some steep downgrades. Apparently R>F is now playing a much more pronounced part in tiering, as it's an entirely unquantifiable difference thats beyond all mathematics (if we're to consider fiction as entirely nonexistent and thus an absolute zero, and thus reality as a one, then you could stack infinite layers of infinite zeroes upon each other and never reach it), thus in R>F R is ontologically the textbook example of Tier 0. This then basically means that a verse requires R>F to reach Tier 0, or so I've heard. While this following info has probably gone through some amount of telephoning, I've also heard that apparently a verse can have only one Tier 0 entity, as apparently it requires full R>F transcendence of everything in the verse, even transcendence of other entities that R>F transcend the verse.
So major W for LoTR stans if true but also kind of an L for WoD since now only Buddha gets Tier 0 in that event