@Ss3micah the Resistance Negation is against
Phenomena Intervention,
Thats alot lol
which is getting more abilities in the future.
Aren't you too old to be cooking
Plus the layers is countlessly above infinitely above baseline due to the Embryo and Amaterasu's feats against Low 1-C resistances.
And E12 said it was only about 10 Layers lolol
Welp Anyways,
With the new Layers standards in place I think at some point your going to need to make a blog or file for that in order for it to be accepted.
Cause if THAT is brought up in a debate and there is nothing to point to that could be used to validate that claim then the claim is going to be dismissed.
And scaling chain doesn't constitute as layers I hear. So no more of character A is 1000 times stronger / better than character B with a certain hax = 1000 Layers logic. No more character A is infinitely above character B with a certain hax = Infinite Layers Logic
Only instances of characters overwhelming each others resistances will be accounted for. So if a character even as much as had 1000 layers then you'd need to show 1000 instances of that character resisting and then bypassing hax.
For Example:
Character A affects Character B = Base Layer Potency
Character C resists Character A = Base Layer Resistance
Character D affects Character C = 1 Layer Potency
Characters E resists Character D = 1 Layer Resistance
Character A (post time skip) affects Character E = 2 Layer Potency
And you'd have to provide 1000 instances of that happening lolol
Or have the layers number flat out dropped in verse like in the case of KH and their 27 layers.
Is there a file or blog for countless x infinite layers right now or will it be done in the future?
All in All, best of luck to you lolol