Now, two major things about Kaku's Hybrid form is his
versatility and his
Throughout his fight against Zoro,
time and
time again,
he struggled against Kaku, because his attacks were for the most part very hard to telegraph, and his strange and bizarre moveset made it hard for him to fight back, which Zoro had noted. In fact, Zoro was pretty much on the defensive the whole fight, and managed to catch Kaku a few times (Gorilla, reading his Kaime, and Asura).
Jabra's biggest disadvantage in this fight is
range and
versatility. He will struggle MASSIVELY against Kaku's range, MUCH like Zoro did, but you could argue he'd do much better, because he has Tekkai and Soru to avoid big damage, unlike Zoro. In terms of offensively, he doesn't actually have much. Jabra's biggest offensive abilities is stacked with
Soru and Tekkai, which is perfectly valid. He does spam them after all.
Sanji and Zoro (at least according to the wiki) are comparable in AP, so the fact that Sanji's kicks were able to do damage past his Tekkai, means that Kaku wouldn't struggle AS MUCH, as one would think.
While I do subscribe to EL Base Sanji >~ EL Base Zoro, I do think they're comparable to the point that Kaku would be able to do damage through his Tekkai, just as Base Sanji was able to
does that mean Jabra's Tekkai ain't shit? kinda.
I believe that Jabra with Tekkai's biggest advantage is "
Offensive" Tekkai, not defensive as I argued above. Does that mean his Tekkai's durability is bad? No, not at all. Kaku will definitely do less damage against him, but I personally don't think it'll be as effective, as they're all relative in scaling.
Also I personally think EL Sanji ~ Hybrid Tekkai Jabra, since most of the damage Jabra managed to get on Sanji was by catching him off guard smh. His Soru should allow him to get around Kaku and do good damage to him, but I believe that in close range,
like he was against Zoro, Kaku would be at a huge advantage. His MASSIVE range advantage is not something Jabra in my honest opinion,
in close range, will be able to handle. He doesn't have swords like Zoro to "somewhat" make up for the range disadvantage, he's just using his hands, which is a sizable disadvantage in any close ranged fight, especially if they're comparable in speed. While Jabra does have Soru, yes, he will struggle to use Soru when getting barraged by Kaku, seeing how he couldn't Soru out of Sanji's combo attacks, which are less attacks at the same time compared to Kaku (2 legs, vs 4ss). Not to say it isn't impossible, but it's very unlikely based on his showings.
Once Jabra is able to make the gap however, he would be at an advantage due to Soru, Kaku will struggle to keep up and would have to try to read him, or try to get in close range, which could go either way.
For these reasons, I vote Inconclusive. They both have good and solid advantages and disadvantages that could IMO go either way for both of them.