I think it's only to fair to give PM the same treatment in terms of "downplay rant".
*PM had 14MPH speed with MHS reactions (No cross-scaling speed feats/statements from main series Mario nor scaling PMs speed to his items or lore). Honestly don't SB know the term "speed blitz?" even you play "speedsters don't use their true speed IC" card.
*PM straight up wasn't allowed the Pure Hearts yet was given everything else (Star Spirits, Crystal Stars, Paint, Stickers, etc) which is surprisingly inconsistent tbh.
*They brought up the blatant tier 2 feats/statements from SPM yet said the fan feat was the "most" impressive destructive feat PM had meaning he had stonewall tier 3/2 durability but tier 5 AP which ironically made his damage reflection badges/items useless lol!
*And since PM wasn't allowed any scaling to Super Mario, his best feat (without items/power-ups) is breaking "large blocks".
Like I mentioned before I'm not as bothered by SBs "ruleset" like others are since the Vs community is a chill hot pot of subjectivity, they'll always be others with a different PoVs (tastes) and that's fine (The world would be a boring place if everyone agreed on most things).
That said the animation was good imo and I wish SB have a prosperous future
which hopefully includes proper scaling standards.
On a related note it still irksome how barebones
this is.