I don’t like to joke about the belief that everyone’s stupid except me, but I honestly don’t know what other explanation there could be.
This feels report worthy.
Yes it can. Cia cursed her to become an Imp again, remember?
Yeah, a case of tweaking her backstory to fit within the game, case and point.
If you actually read her dialogue, including in battle text, she makes it pretty blatant that's the first time it's happened, zant has never died before, and just a whole slew of random shit that makes it perfectly clear that, yeah it's Midna, a Midna that contradicts TP. The whole TP arc with her and Zant simply cannot coexist with the actual TP game, she flatout confirms this takes place before the end of TP btw, meaning it aint a repeat episode and Zant was just randomly revived. In HW's canon, Zant usurped, and then Cia did the imp fuckery, not Zant. They took it, repurposed it for HW, and that's that, like idk what ya want me to say, literally what happened.
Even beyond that, given we know her HW arc must take place before TP, why does she act surprised and hide from Agatha in TP? Like she knows her, knows she's a bug freak? Yet she acts like she never even heard of her.
Shit's ****** dude, Midna and Zant prime examples of tweaking to repurpose for HW.
Yeah, and why’s that? I really don’t think you’ve kept up with your Hyrule Warriors lore, because they’re there because of the Phantom Ganon. You do… realize they’re not all just there with no explanation, right?
Yeah, they're there, and yet, it doesnt actually make sense, what part of
hey this dude is in it, but at a point they literally cant be and they somehow arent aware of things they should be, or, they have had their lore tweaked to fit within the games story"
Is hard to grasp? Just because they have an "explanation", doesnt mean that explanation in and of itself doesnt contradict the shit out of the actual games.
The original dudes had an "explanation" too with the merging of timelines and worlds, that doesnt correct the hundreds of contradictions dog.
Um… no. It was treated as a parallel dimension to canon from debut to now. In fact you should know that from the CRT you hate so much.
Hence why it's in such all encompassing canon databooks like the Zelda Encyclopedia, the official website, among others?
And what, hate? Lad, you grossly overestimate how much i care, but that does remind me we didnt end up fixing that.
“The manga is basically tertiary canon, bro”
”I can literally see no possibly way Cadence of Hyrule is usable”
Yes, a manga written with the intent to be canon, has like a interview tied to it explaining its purpose, and is even packed in with Hyrule Historia, is merely
secondary canon.
I can see ways Cadence can be canon, im asking you to actually post direct proof stating its canon, such as it being on an official timeline, direct statement from Nintendo its apart of the timeline, or whatever.
Note, it "taking place", in the world of zelda, doesnt mean it it's canon, it's obviously set in a Zelda inspired and derivative world, but, so is a chunk of World of Light, crossovers with Zelda arent new, none of which have ever been actually canon.