Video game cutscenes are also animated. Video games are probably the easiest medium to showcase visual feats since they’re meant to make the player feel powerful. ******* Kirby can show characters cracking the planet but GoW can’t? Infinity Ultron’s best visual feats make up a total of 6 minutes across two thirty minute episodes but GoW can’t spend any of its multi hour games to do the same?
Ok and Kratos splits Earth in half how you continue the story with such an event after? You act like all video game should do such a thing and somehow work that out after
Also animation for a show is totally different for a game animation, especially if in 3D compared to handrawn
And yet it’s still a more visually impressive feat than anything Kratos or Doomslayer have ever done.
no its not, at all, on doom i cant speak i never seen it, Kratos has far better stuff then that, you smoke something eith this comment here
You literally just described why it should have greater visual feats. How are you going to describe a franchise built upon fighting mythological gods and then go “there’s no reason for there to be good visual feats”? The myths they draw upon have greater visual feats than anything in the series.
What visuals....its text in these, drawings if that even counts and surely not of the the ones in question
Wow, two entire feats across a series with 7 games and neither of them involving the main character.
first of all these are 2 i can remember in terms of visuals and even so, IF just 2 exist and claims if cosmic power come along them, thats more then enough to justify
Kratos himself doesn’t even scale to the latter since Atlas almost effortlessly crushed him with two fingers
Kratos literally overpowered the titans in physicals, including cronos attempting to crush him too, let alone hades overpowered atlas, yet kratos wasnt by hades, scaling says otherwise buddy, also gods are meant to be above titans and kratos above them
and the former relies entirely of a scaling chain via Zeus and Cronos that, surprise surprise, we never see.
A scaling proven above showing how successors are above predecessors, but go on claiming its not viable, you are mad annoying with your lowballing fest i seen of you, especially in game characters if they use lore and statements, over half a decade and people still use an outdated mentality