This Death Battle is awful, a hoax, worse than Omniman vs Bardock, worse than Toph vs Gaara, the worst Death Battle verdict of all time, how can my almighty omniversal king Giorno lose to gang violence? He just shot him and that's it, no theatrics or anything, he just killed Giorno by shooting him once. Where's the death loop? The willpower RTZ? The **** you mean Joker just shots Giorno to death ONCE and wins??? This is unbelievable, horseshit, I have never seen a Death Battle so wrong in all of my life. The wrongest Death Battle out of all the wrong Death Battles. "But the spin-offs! BUT the spin-offs!!" nobody plays the spin-off Jojo games, nuh-uh, doesn't count, not canon, do you think if GER would had lost to basic bitch reality warping, that Araki wouldn't have written that into part 5? He would have. But he didn't, so Giorno doesn't get cucjked by basic bitch reality warping. This cant be, this is impossible, the swank isnt real, the swank is fraudulent, swank gets your goat shot in an drive by shootout. I sitill cant believe this, is Giorno a fraud??? Thats impossible, that cant be, Giornos not a fraud, hes cool and he resets all actions to zero, that would have included joker. iT should have included joker. No, its death battle who are wrong. Giorno is unbeatable, omnipotent, no emo anime boy wank can touch him. This cant be. I am losing a bet and my cousin is already calling me to ask me for the money. That was the money I was planning on spending on my gacha games. If I pay this bet I would go like a week or two without gambling on gacha... or I could just run away. That's it, I am running away. If I change my name, house, identity, I woulnd't need to pay my debts heheheh