I was entertaining the idea of Mizuki avoiding a more lethal approach and just extending her baton and hitting him, remember? You're right, if she throws her baton she will need to get it back or make a new one, but I was only talking about her holding on to it and hitting him.
Oh lol. That's my bad then.
Well, even if we consider the average length of a baton (32 in.) and compare it to the average length of a WWE ring (20 ft.), that's still nowhere near enough to even reach Theory from all the way across the ring. Even if we factor in when you mentioned Mizuki extending her baton to where it's longer than her, that's still not enough to reach Theory from all the way across the ring, let alone outside of it.
Of course, this gets nulled by the fact that Mizuki can just...walk or run closer to Theory and smack him with her baton lol.
Also, about getting that baton back, I highly doubt Theory would let her get the chance to get it back, especially when he realizes how advantageous that baton is for her. I'd assume he'd break it half or throw it a long distance. Mizuki would then have to rely on the environment around her to make some weapons, which gives Theory the advantage, as he'd already know what weapons to use to inflict some damage on her.
As I said, Mizuki's great leaping ability is going to let her follow him out of the ring very quickly even if he has a head start. When he rolls out of the ring to grab a weapon and is either crouching down to reach under the ring, or getting a proper hold on the stairs to lift them, he will be preoccupied and his ability to avoid an attack will be hindered.
Now that's a fair argument.
It wouldn't be hard to hit a stationary target from what, 10 feet away? And once again, I'm not talking about her throwing the spear, I'm entertaining the idea that she is going to try not to kill him, using the long extension of the baton and just hitting him instead.
I already mentioned how Mizuki can't even reach Theory from all the way across the ring, but yes. All Mizuki needs to do is get closer to Theory while he's preoccupied with getting weapons. With how long the spear is, she won't even necessarily have to get out of the ring. Trying to leap at Theory is a no go, as I've explained before.
So yes, all Mizuki needs to do is close the distance between her and Theory before Theory can even the playing field with a weapon of his choosing, which is certainly possible.
As for scans, you have already seen these panels a billion times in this thread I'm sure, but
this is literally the one example of her throwing her javelin. While it's nothing incredibly amazing, I would say that it did require some decent accuracy.
Solid accuracy, but it's nowhere near impossible for Theory to dodge, especially since the monster is a bigger target than Theory, and the fact that Theory has IR.
Forgive me for not making myself clear, I wasn't implying that she was going to jump at him. I just meant she would follow him out of the ring, I imagine she'd still hit him from a distance with the baton after getting out of the ring.
Okay. That makes sense.
I will say this gives credence to his ability to avoid an attack while I imagined him otherwise preoccupied, but he'd still be in a rather disadvantageous position.
Mizuki would just have to rely on hitting him from a range instead of just leaping at him, as Theory would dominate her from there if she tries doing that.
She may not have the pinpoint accuracy necessary to consistently target those specific points, but she does without a doubt have the accuracy to hit the thing she is aiming at somewhere, as shown in the scans above.
Agreed. It's just all about hitting someone who's a significantly smaller target than what she is used to, and said person has IR.
I feel like short distance throws like would be made here would be much easier to be accurate with than the long distance throws made in actual javelin throwing competition.
Also agreed, considering the tight space around the arena, the chances of her hitting something else is just about as high as her hitting Theory with it lol. That will also mean that she'd most likely have to shorten her baton, which does increase Theory's chances of him dodging a little bit.
The monsters aren't necessarily human shaped, but they're still generally human height. Although I can believe they are taller than Theory, Mizuki doesn't have a confirmed height but if I had to guess she's well into 6 foot+ territory at least. Looking at chapter 94 again rn, the sizes are honestly a little inconsistent but it seems like some were larger than her while others were a bit smaller. With that said I don't think Theory is so small that Mizuki would be thrown for a loop.
Not only do the monsters seem noticeably taller, they also seems to be noticeably wider, especially when you get to the mid section all the way up to the head.
Looking at the two images on the left side, it seems that the monsters have a significantly wider body than Theory does, as well as being taller than him. Of course, there's no confirmed height, but it's very reasonable to assume that the monsters Mizuki defeated are a noticeably easier target to hit than Theory.
Of course, hitting Theory is not impossible whatsoever, it's just going to be much harder due to his smaller size, as well as his IR stacked on top of that.
I understand, however in this specific case that was very telegraphed, come on. He charged at him like a bull. Regardless, I do agree that Theory could avoid an attack aimed at his knees.
True, true.
I hate to be a broken record but this was also assuming she isn't throwing the spear. If she just took a jab or swing with the baton, spear-ended or not, targeting Theory's knee, and he jumped like he did in the video, she could just swing the baton up and hit him.
I was literally basing it off of if Mizuki were to try and throw the spear at Theory's knee, not jab or swing at it
But yes, if Mizuki were to try and swing or jab the baton/spear/javelin at Theory, then he will have to try and use different tactics in order to avoid it.
Tbh, this seems more and more like an Incon now that I think about it.