Would you mind taking a look at this thread?
Primal Carnage 9-B AP Revisions
I was looking through the profiles and noticed a lack of calcs for the feats, so I decided to get the grenade feat on Carnotaurus' profile calculated and it came out to this much. https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Migue79/Primal_Carnage:_Carnotaurus_tanks_explosion Any and all...
Given that the form of the attack is explicitly different than Ei's Lightning, operating as a beam rather than a lightning strike, I would be cautious about saying it shares the same speed. However, perhaps more context on the way that the attacks produced by Ei's Gnosis function could help alleviate this ambiguity? I would be more content with this line of reasoning if there is a more concrete rationale for suggesting the different attacks produced by Ei's Gnosis would scale to each other in this manner.