Lots of verses here (mostly the ones where the upgrades come from light novels or books) just need a single statement of light speed or "light attacks". But with Naruto, word semantics, kanji etymology, hermeneutics and all kinds of bureaucracy are necessary. I know there are standards, but when they are exaggerated only against a part of the verses on the site (it's not just Naruto that suffers from this) and others don't have as much supervision, it becomes very unfair. An example of this is Fairy Tail, which is in MFTL via a single statement of light speed, and the funny part is that the statement in Fairy Tail) use "たとえ" (tatoe) which is the informal way of "ごとき" (gotoki, present in the Lariat statement), both mean the same thing, they are used for a comparison ("Like a lightning", for example in english), whether literal or not. If it is an informal situation, such as a character's speech (as is the case in Fairy Tail) you will see the use of "たとえ" (tatoe), but if it is a formal situation, such as books (as is the case with Databook) you will see the use of "ごとき" (gotoki). But only one of the statements (Lariat) was rejected for semantic reasons, no one looked for etymology or used hermeneutics in the case of Fairy Tail, They simply accepted the statement as it was, and it was used as the basis for a single feat that supports the verse scale. So yes, this means that some verses are simply downplayed for pure hate reasons.