WeeklyBattles said:
Teasers are 100% canon, that is a blatant lie
Well evidently I in my great untrustworthiness am not fit for a blog so you'll have to supply your own evidence teasers are 100% canon.
That said
here I have the Lead Narrative Director stating, "We're not usually beholden to teasers as sources of lore" which means teasers aren't a source of lore aka canon. The fact that Akali's teaser clashes with her written lore supports this since the teaser shows her fighting Shen when the lore states they didn't fight and the same video shows her killing Noxian champions- which didn't happen in the lore coincidentally.
In addition
here I have the Lead Narrative Director stating, "It's not canon until it appears in a story or bio" and you have never yet countered that. And
here we see her holding to that stance.
"Only Universe and Map content is likely to be canon" is noted
here and then
here it is stated, "Anything that is not currently on Universe or the Runeterra map is not canon".
Even the new Awaken video released had her
saying , "In terms of it being canon—these are definitely scenes and events that take place in the world of Runeterra, in the present time. Have we reached those moments in those characters' arcs yet? No, but we've got lots of
stories still to come this year, and next…"
So do tell, exactly, what hard proof you have that teaser trailers are 100% canon? Because I'm sitting pretty far behind reasonable doubt of whether they're canon or just cool to build hype.
Just being published by Riot does not make something canon. Riot publishes the cinematics featuring Summoner's Rift after all and we
know that's not canon. "Blantant lie" seems oddly hostile- I thought you hated it when Reigis did that to you? At absolute worst it's a disagreement about canon but you can certainly prove me wrong definitively if I'm indeed 100% wrong and there's no room for doubt.