Sorun şu ki, yukarıda toplayabildiğim kadarıyla birçok kişi Viego ile savaştı. Ayetin tanrı kademelerine ölçeklendirmek için hiçbir nedeni olmayan insanlar (taramalara dayanarak Pantheon'u nasıl ele aldığı göz önüne alındığında Viego burada oldukça yukarıda ölçeklenecektir). Bu, ayetin büyük bir kısmının birdenbire tanrı seviyelerinde olacağı anlamına gelir.
OP'deki alıntıların ne kadar doğrudan olduğu göz önüne alındığında, Viego ölçeklendirmesinin inkar edilemez olduğu görülüyor. Anlaşılması gereken şey, düşük katmanların nasıl ele alınacağıdır.
Bu yüzden birkaç ayet destekçisinin sorunları düzeltmek için daha genel bir revizyon organize etmesini tercih ederim.
Yükseltmeyi şimdi Viego'ya uygulayabilir ve diğerlerini ileride düzeltebiliriz, ancak bunun ne kadar uygulanabilir olacağını bilmiyorum.
I first wrote about WHY Viego should be elevated to the god of the verse, but the real confusion is WHY Viego was defeated.
1- We all know what the Plot Armor means, Viego has a novel called Catastrophe, a comic book about the Loyal Heart and an animation called Catastrophe.
There's a Guardian of Light event for Viego.
Viego was once sealed by people who were almost simple. But that was because, as you can see on the League Of Legends page, all the black fog was absorbed into a necklace blessed by NAGAKABUROUS.
This is not the issue now, but the reason for its sealing was the use of completely opposite means.
Viego was sealed by the guardians of the light, as will be revealed in the final animation, but instead of talking about those who say he was sealed but don't take advantage of the scripture, "Why was he sealed? Why was he sealed?"
2- Viego was sealed by the Holy Mist. The Holy Mist is a power particle of isolde and the only thing Viego's black mist cannot touch. The main reason for this is that people use it for sealing. Before you know it, the animation becomes completely absurd. In the comic Viego can easily react to small arms fire, but in the animation he just stands still. Because this is all Plot armor and these pieces cannot be used in favor of the people and this should not be denied. In verse 2, Viego is the only one who overcomes the Pantheon's attack, reacts to it, comes close to killing it and makes it his slave. 2) I will talk again about the plot armor on the light guards. Why did none of them have any trouble when the Guardians of Light climbed Mount Targon? Or why none of them were erased from existence "to return to stardust". "They are ordinary people! I mean, just the fact that they were able to climb Mount Targon with ease shows how much they were favored by the author. And it's not an achievement because not all the guards were in any way affected by Targon's influence.
Then I'll tell you what the guards' weapons are for.
First of all, as the profiles of Lucian and Senna show, the weapons used by the Guardians erase and purify evil spirits from existence. It allows you to touch them, and no matter how resistant it is, it affects and damages that soul.
But Viego is not erased from existence or subjected to any surface damage.
And in the Shadow Islands, the source of the weapons in Viego's novel The Catastrophe, it was Viego's opposing force, the Jenda'Kaya, who created the League.
So people are not supposed to achieve success. The reason is very simple. From any shadow island character, the guards can never get a scale, because their weapons completely ignore traditional durability, touch the Spirits and purify them.
But Viego did not receive superficial damage from them, he only felt them, but the pain was not great.
On the contrary, Viego's resistance to the onslaught of weapons that both erase from existence, deny resistance, and erase and purify from existence is an achievement.
At the same time, Viego did not kill Pantheon after defeating him, but instead took him into his army.
It appears here. But instead of saying that Viego could not react to anyone, why could the Pantheon, the source of the entire master scale, draw no guards against Viego's unequivocal and unstoppable order "Kill them!"? "Why could he draw no guards, could not approach them, and all the guards reacted by fleeing from him? In this case, the owner of the main scale also falls. Of course not! This is an example of "Plot Armor". Ordinary people resisting Targon (not impressed) They were able to react to Viego and Pantheon. So there is no inconsistency in the scale and I have said everything with my fully proven scales, the rest is entirely up to you sir.
There are many friends who say that Pantheon does not fully utilize the power of Face.
I proved that I used the power of the Pantheon in the scale I built.
And let's not forget that many characters have scales thanks to the Pantheon. The simplest example
Xerath, Aatrox.
Therefore, the downgrading of viego means that the profiles of Xerath and Aatrox are also touched.
(Xerath takes the scales from Atreus. So Atreus is the one who uses the power of the image, but he is only human.
So there is clear and conclusive evidence that Viego also uses the scales through Atreus.
At the same time, for those who say that Viego did not use all the power he fought with, let me provide my proof with these panels. The fact that the Pantheon created and used the concept of war is proof enough that "I have explained it in my own way", but for those who say this is not enough, I would like to show that Xerath got the scale from Atreust, who is human but has the power of form. You can read it here. This is the story of the battle between Xerath and the pantheon and Xerath takes the scale. " You can go to my previous page and read the results of the battle between Viego and Atreus by clicking on the link ^_^ ""
- In this case I proved that Viego can get a scale from the Pantheon and I think it doesn't affect any character. Thank you to everyone who reads (^^) (Presenting Viego's sealing as an excuse is not evidence. This was purely a plot armor armor).
That's it, I'm waiting for your comments!
(This was to show that the panels I threw used the power of the Pantheon and that Xerath was scaled from the human Atreus.
will not be commented on.)