People wanking byakugan and sharingan like Sakura didn't shorten the length of Kaguya's neck with one punch (not in her blind spot), Naruto didn't tear her arm off, Kakashi didn't nearly tear her arm off, lol.
Kaguya isn't BFRing Strange as he has his own dimensional travel.
She also isn't blindsiding Strange because the Cloak of Levitation is sentient, and can protect him from threats he cannot see.
"Eye of Agamotto needs prep"
Not really, he can use it with a gesture
"Using an ability once isn't in character"
Good thing he used it multiple times in the same movie. He also time-stopped an area of battle in the real world before he went into Dormammu's dimension and used his time powers there, and time was still stopped in the real world. He also knew he had 0 chance against Dormammu, which is why he time looped in the first place. Not to mention the ability is entirely passive once the spell is cast.
Strange time stops then throws her away