Finally off the first disc of LoD, so have an MU idea that... isn't VS a Xeno character?
Dedue (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) vs Kongol (Legend of Dragoon)
- Axe-and-fist bearing aides to Emperors or higher royalty, said Royalty that has either gone berserk, or goes berserk (Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd and Emperor Doel respectively). Both played party and/or witness to the destruction of certain towns (Duscar and Hoax).
- Both are seen as... one-note, shall we say, in their motivations. Kongol is written off as the 'dumb blockhead' of the group (or Lennie from Of Mice and Men, depending on how you see him), and Dedue being literally quoted as Dimitri's "Vassal" in Three Hopes, and his loyalty (common to both of these characters) coming at the expense of nearly all else (much to the alleged chagrin of other Blue Lions members like Felix and Ingrid). Both are also seen as kind to their leader in that sense.
- Both can be interpreted as former enemies in favour of these regimes, before joining your cause, being mistakenly interpreted as dead or MIA after their initial defeats. This can also be seen as it's own contrast, as Dedue is multi-nuanced in this case, because you either can side with Blue Lions at the start of 3H, and have him saved from his pronounced 'death' by completing one of the Duscar sidequests, or he comes up as a temporary ally during Golden Deer's route, in order to avenge Dimitri from that route. Consequently, Kongol is far simpler, in that he returns to save the party from a falling pillar after a visit to Haschel's former student-turned Rouge leader, with Kongol joining the party because Dart and co. are acknowledged as stronger than Doel.
- Both have their own (more aggressive) alternate forms, that they can break out with the use of certain stones. Dedue having access to Demonic Beast forms thanks to Crest Stones, as seen in Crimson Flower (he is a 'commoner', so the effects of it land him this way), and (as is natural with LoD characters), Kongol has his own Dragoon form of the Earth Element.
Oh, and as for my previous post? Not going to pull the trigger on Jin vs Lloyd
just yet, I want to see where his character goes (it's looking promising, ngl).