Now i can't say i can predict most of S9 MU outside the teased 6
but i can guess the certain series due for rep this
A Hunter X Hunter Episode:
Ben stated a HXH Rep is overdue back in 2020 and the two most popular MU from the series is these two
Could go either way upon being the first Rep
A Fate Episode: Fate is another Franchise overdue Sam even brought up interest in bringing it on
though the biggest issue is which is the likeliest Fate Mu to introduced on the show
I know Many don't like it but frankly it's the easiest way to introduced Fate on the show not to mention Erza has gotten new material since her last episode and FT 100 yr quest anime is coming out sometime next year possibly
Cartoon MU: We've been a Cartoon MU since S4 so it likely we get another one
I say any of these MU have a fair shot to happen this season as the Big Cartoon MU Rep
Possible MU this season
Harry Potter is long overdue for another appearance since S1 and this MU is the series Most Popular
would bring in a new series and a FF title that isn't 7 It's highly requested
Meta Knight is long overdue and Zero is his most popular still so it wouldn't shock me if they decide to do it
NNT Rep:
Both MU are Popular but Escanor vs Whitebeard feels stronger and likelier to do