Hey Ultima, I have a bit of a peculiar question.
We have a universe, this universe is infinite in size and has countless divine domains in it that are microcosms of the world. One of the divine domains can contain infinite timelines that are compared to the universe, so by containing them, that divine domain becomes a 2-A structure, and it just being a microcosm of the universe, so the universe becomes 2-A because it is able to contain countless of those divine domains. Then we have 99+ layers, these layers are infinite in size and are capable of containing countless up to infinite universes (2-A), and then we have a massively even larger structure called "SS" which is capable of containing all of the above. Even characters that can see the infinity of universes and layers cannot see or imagine the infinity of the "SS". My question is, what would be the tier based on these structures? Something more than 2-A or just 2-A stacking structures?
It should be noted that each universe has a different timeline between them and the "SS" has its own timeline as well.
It should be noted that the layers have a dimensional difference (although it is not implied that they are higher dimensions) for example, someone capable of destroying a universe (2-A) in layer 1, could not even destroy a simple ship in layer 2 even a grain of air means a great weight to them (and it applies not only to AP, but also to Hax, Laws, Concepts, Speed, toughness, strength).
Hope you can answer.