Hello DemonGodMitchAubin I was wondering if you could look over this calc before I put it in a blog so I don't end up doing it for nothing.
I want to point out though that this isn't my calc. It was done by another user on a thread before the forum move but was deleted due to it being past the save date and I don't remember who wrote the comment. However I copied it down the results to use later just in case.
In this gif, the Party Animal rotates the moon a high speeds.
Important Note: The reason the moon is shining like a disco ball is simply because on that specific night, it just shines like that so it's still the same moon, it just shines like a disco ball.
Here was the other user's comment regarding what the results of the feat would be...
"There aren't enough frames in the gif to tell how fast it's spinning at the beginning, but for the second part with the slower spin, it took 8 frames for one of the squares to go from one side of the disco ball to the other, and the gif is running at 7 fps. That'd be pi radians in 8/7 seconds, or 2.74889357189 rad/s.
0.5*(2.74889357189 rad/s)^2*8.86868965*10^34 kgm^2=3.35077536*10^35 J Large Planet level."
I want to know if this calc is correct or not?.
I actually only need the third calc in the second link evaluated