Can someone tell
@Yemma670 to stop derailing and being toxic within
this thread please? He has unnecessarily insulted another user, keeps deliberately ignoring arguments and merely keeps falsely claiming that he has already addressed arguments or keeps going 'lol' in response to any attempt to ask for an actual argument, and has derailed the thread with using Wikipedia and wiki sandboxes of all things as supposed evidence. This is a very important CRT, so I would just like to keep things respectful and organized, which Yemma evidently has no intent of respecting.
This isn't necessarily asking for a ban, I just want the thread to get back on track and not devolve into chaos and spiral out of control like many other Touhou threads have.
EDIT: Still going, still insulting people, still derailing with non-arguments like saying the debunks are in the source material and refusing the provide them.