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Again, Twilight and co basically are the elements themselves by the series end, and the moment she harnesses friendship magic, it can summon them to her. If the EoH can hit immeasurable Discord without him even getting a chance to properly avoid them after noticing its attack approaching, then baseline immeasurable reaction speeds won't help Patchy. And at the very least, any magic-based danmaku will absolutely get no sold or potentially absorbed if the shields are stronger.I’ve got no idea how standard the EoH are, no idea how fair they are to give.
Depending on how you stat Touhou it ranges from 2B + Infinite to 1C/H1C + Infinite travel speed w/ Immeasurable reactions (Immeasurable reactions are only for some characters tho)
I don’t think autoshields would help either, since iirc Spirit Manip can still work through barriers, just to a lesser degree. There’s also conceptual power modification, her own magical barriers, and I’m not sure if Twilight could bypass Patchy’s mid-godly regen. I just think no matter what way you push this Patchy would likely outstat and has everything she’d need to beat out Twilight, especially since all of Twilight’s advantages seem to depend on having EoH?
Also, Rainbow Power has no stipulations that require her friends if I remember correctly.
Unless you decide to use dimensional tiering, the EoH attack in a way that can seal, powersteal, petrify (which worked on someone who has proven themselves capable of being unaffected by petrification), put you to sleep mentally, and BFR you... and Rainbow Power is a potentially more powerful version of that.
If the EoH or RP touch Patchy's magical shields, it could potentially just steal their power and continue trying to drain her. Hell, I don't think dimensional tiering would prevent some of those hax from working, since Patchy wouldn't have a higher-dimensional existence anyway afaik, and is still potentially slower.
Keep in mind, getting hit once by the Elements or Rainbow Power causes their hax to take effect in this scenario, so Twilight only needs to land one hit while also being constantly protected and potentially faster. The ironic part is some Youkai specific hax could prove useful, but Patchouli isn't an up close fighter, so those would almost never come into play.