**** it, i just came up with the best Touhou MU of all time.
Angry Video Game Nerd vs Sanae Kochiya (Cinemassacre vs Touhou)
Connections: Both are white-clad characters who appear to be something of a geek, making references to popular culture. During early moments in their careers, they would meet and challenge people (Nostalgia Critic and Reimu Hakurei), who would become their rivals. Said people had the same role as them (Critic was an angry reviewer just like Nerd, while Reimu was a shrine maiden, just like Sanae), though there were still differences in their roles (Critic reviewed movies, while Nerd reviewed games and Reimu didn't rely that much on summoning gods as Sanae did). Despite the fact that they began as rivals, over the time they became pretty good friends and even teamed up with them at some point (Nerd and Critic reviewing various TMNT movies and Sanae becoming an incident resolver, like Reimu). They both fight supernatural beings in their worlds (AVGN fought demons and the devil himself, while Sanae fights youkais). They both have ties to divine beings (AVGN is the ally of Super Mecha Death Christ, while Sanae is the descendant of Suwako Moriya) and they both can summon them in combat. They were human at first, but at one point they became a demonic/divine being (Nerd was transformed into Satanic Video Game Spawn, while Sanae became a minor deity with her inherited power). Weirdly enough, both have contrasting views on alcohol (AVGN always drinks Rolling Rock and once got totally drunk in one of the reviews, while Sanae doesn't like drinking at all).