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OkPlease god
Elaborate Vegeta v Nostalgia Critic to me so I can join the bandwagon.
Two perpetually aggressive people with absolutely titanic egos known for their intense rivalry with the more successful and beloved of their kind (Goku and The Angry Video Game Nerd). They get massive power boosts the angrier they get, achieving new forms never before seen (Super Saiyan Blue Evolution and whatever that Giant Nostalgia Critic was in the Ninja Turtles Christmas Video), but also get more powerful when they love something (Vegeta's "My Bulma" scene against Beerus and all the times the Critic got buffs from loving christmas). They will do anything to get one up over their rival, and will constantly call them out for no good reason. They are willing to and have in the past murdered their own co-workers (Nappa and... well take your pick for Doug) and are generally considered awful people in-universe. They have both had moments where they have become possessed by evil satanic powers (Majin Vegeta and The Critic when Satan possessed him) but were beaten down and able to overcome it. They also have befriended divine beings (Whis/Beerus and Santa Christ/The Devil). Also, both have blown up planets on a whim without a care in the world.