To All Staff and Regular Members Viewing this CRT:
Because this CRT is kinda getting bogged down and going back and forth, I am now going to summarize the current counter argument as well as address them in this post to to try and keep this concise. Treat this post as a kind of second OP if you will.
Primary Counter Argument: “Adolla is only merging with the planet, not the whole universe. The usage of the term ‘world’ is meant to mean planet and not universe.”
Rebuttal: This is false. As stated in the OP, the reality warping that is caused in the series is due to Adolla’s world merging with the real world. What Adolla is merging with is the cause of the reality warping. Hence the dichotomy between Adolla merging with just the planet to
So, to prove the position that Adolla is merging with the wide spread universe and demonstrate the usage of the term “world” here refers to “universe” as opposed to “planet,” what needs to be done is prove Adolla’s reality warping extends pasts a planetary range. Let me make it clear though, it can mean “planet” depending on the statement, but that doesn’t mean it just means planet in all contexts.
With that being said, I will first state and explain the feats demonstrating my position as well as counter the arguments made against them. Let’s begin:
Feat #1: Reality was 3D, Now it’s 2D
Counter: “Space wasn’t shown. All that we see is the earth in 3-D art-style.”
Rebuttal: Irrelevant.
What was shown was reality being 3D. Earth is just the place reality was shown because it’s the center of the story. But reality was the thing being shown to be in 3D. Not “just the earth.”
Trying to insinuate that just because only the earth was shown to be in 3D therefore the rest of the universe wasn’t is not only baseless but totally nonsensical as well. When you go into outer space the art-style doesn’t magically shift into anime-like. No reality remains the same no matter the planet. Therefore the art-style of the universe matches that of the planet as is standard assumption.
Tldr; Earth being shown to be in 3D doesn’t matter and has no bearing on the argument because the focus isn’t on the earth. It’s on reality as a whole. Therefore this reality warping was done on the wider universe and not “just the earth.”
Feat #2: The stars are Shifting!
Counter: “The stars were never reality warped, they were just created because they’re closer to the earth.”
Rebuttal: Literal Headcanon.
There is no basis for this assertion. None whatsoever. The ability being referred to here (creation) is an ability not even listed on Shinra’s profile. That’s because it’s an ability that has never been demonstrated in the series. It’s only ever been reality warping. We even have a visual representation of what this reality warping looks like thanks to the Fire Force anime.
As you can see only reality warping is done.
No creation is involved. If that wasn’t enough, it straight up
outright stated the stars are being reality warped and
not created.
Right here it says the very physics of the world have been altered including the stars and the moon.
It’s been outright stated that
reality warping is happening on the
stars and moon. They are
not being created just like how the moon wasn’t created and rather reality warped.
To further support this notion, here’s
another statement
directly stating Adolla is affecting the stars.
“Determine the future of the stars” is quite the
direct way of saying Adolla is affecting the stars with its reality warping as well.
The position “the stars were closer to the earth therefore they were created.” Is once again
baseless because the stare could’ve simply been
reality warped closer to the earth as they
changed into little blocks.
How do I know this? Well it’s because
that’s exactly what Shinra did!
He reality warped the sun into a big dumb happy face and brought it closer to the earth as is notably seen in in the image as well as its sequel Soul Eater. So why on earth is it being presumed the stars were
created instead of what’s been
consistently shown and stated to be happening which is
reality warping?
TLDR; This counter position is literally just fantasy. There’s actually nothing that supports this assertion. Nothing at all. It’s literal fanfiction.
In Summary:
The feats presented in the series overwhelmingly demonstrate reality warping on a far grander scale than planetary range.
The counter positions’ assertions of Adolla merging with only the planet is null and void due to the presence of multiple reality warping feats far extending past planetary and stellar ranges as well as the presence of statements outright saying the physics of the universe has been altered.
The assertion that the stars were simply created and not reality warped is completely unfounded, baseless, and nonsensical as this assertion can be found nowhere in the series and is directly contradicted by multiple statements outright stating that the stars have been reality warped and Adolla is a threat to the stars.
Due to the fact that the reality warping is caused by Adolla’s merger with reality, the usage of the term “world” as well as Adolla’s total merge is done through the wider universe as opposed to just the planet due to the fact that the reality warping extends to the universe and is not limited to just the earth.
Now that this has been said and done
I would like to hear opinions/stances from people about which position is to be favored so I can formally count the agreements, disagreements, and neutral stances here.