Alright. Now, im not going to waste time to talk about the typical verse drama that we all know happens on this site from time to time and isn't particularly ban worthy by itself, or the "k*ll th*mselv*s" remark StrymULTRA pointed out (since thats self explanatory and goes without saying as obviously being permanent ban territory with just that by itself).
But what I did want to point out, between the old report and the newest one now, is that Sean should have honestly been permanent banned from the start and there was no real point in only giving a year thinking he would change after coming back.
First reason comes from conspiracy to potentially made new sock puppet alts that was actually shown in the first report that got Sean banned, but then just got missed for whatever reason. Anyway, both Sean and the discord user he was talking to in these screenshots expressed mild interest, means and arguable motive to make alts.
First from that user suggesting he makes one to continue doing what got him banned in the first place incase his main account gets merked from here,
and then Sean himself acknowledging the option of making an alt after he was banned. Now as for whether or not this was actually done is something the new report doesn't show, and something I obviously don't have evidence of, but the fact that this on more than one occasion was a consistent idea considered before and after he was banned from here should painfully give a sign that he isn't someone that should be here.
Second reason comes from a very clear bias against users, such as STRYM, who Sean hates and will try to smear mud on in order to "get back at them". Big accusations like accusing Strym of altering information for "wank purposes" or blatantly planning to use out of context screenshots from discord in order to get him banned, which was planned to be done after his current ban would've been over, and is also obviously coming from a place of a personal vendetta against Strym, is also another big sign that he should not be coming back here. Off site or not.
And last, but certainly not least, his biased take against verse ratings and having ulterior motives, such as purposely starting fights during revision threads or planning to remove opponents out of the picture, to change ratings after his ban is lifted. Obviously, its one thing to just dislike how something on this site is rated from a personal standpoint. But its quite another thing to scheme behind the scenes in order to change those said ratings.
I don't care how or what people on here feel towards how a particular series is rated, but
planning to make false reports on people to get them out of the picture of your plans, from a place of personal vendettas, after already complaining about having their misgivings that we don't tolerate on this site for any reason being brought to public light, is something that is absolutely unacceptable here and shouldn't be condoned. Especially when in the middle of a ban for prior wrongdoings that paints a very bad perception of you.
All in all, with the details Strym already gave in his report, the stuff I've pointed out, and the things from the old prior report that gave him the ban in the first place, it should go without saying that Sean at this point hasn't changed but done the exact opposite and has gone on a further decline instead of learning from his earlier mistakes, and should not be given another chance or anything other than a permanent ban. We have banned, and even perma banned, users who have done less and have not consistently maintained the same problems as Sean has done here.