Uhm, not really sure why you are trying to convolute the feat. She literally moved her head to the side and caught the bullet by accelerating her hand. This is a basic reaction to something flying by one's hand. Not to mention you are literally harping on what could be a very slight artist error of scaling, which happens across literally all manga.
The bullet panel clearly gives us a distance to work with as that is the panel directly being shown by the author to be the distance it came from hitting her. Literally any movement she made off-panel would still be bare hypersonic given this. This argument comes off as really disingenuous.
when she literally
parried [2] and
dodged all of the six first bullets from short range with ease, only being taken by surprise by the last one due to it being a real bullet and Maki only accounting for the six rubber in her barrel.
Your last argument makes no sense. Maki is stationary as the bullet approaches her. Anything that happens prior to that explicit zoom in we get matters not, as we have the distance between her and the bullet travelling towards her, and can plug in a speed.
None of that has literally anything to do with the context of this argument. The point is that she has to utilize cursed energy with her weapons to affect spirits. Which makes sense, given they are spirits.
That is a completely separate topic from her adding cursed energy to her bullets to hit people she isn't trying to kill. There is literally no indication she utilizes cursed energy with her rubber bullets. Once again, it was brought up to signify that Maki had no cursed energy and was still a much better fighter than her sister, who predominantly just amped her bullets with Cursed energy because that's all she could do. Context.
Not really this is an assumption on your part. I could easily make the case that Nobara utilized curse reinforcement when shot from close range, and didn't when caught off guard and attack thus she was impacted much more severely.
Especially when we are given a visual indication as to when cursed energy is amping a projectile such as the case with
Kamo's arrows
No it's not.
1.) As a matter of practice low ends are used as accurate barometers for various qualities of feats. They are used to establish a realistic feat for low-end performances for things when a more explicit number cannot be gauged. They are defaulted to specifically when no viable comparison is given. This is not at all the case here. We know what the bullets look like, we know what they are comprised of, we know what gun its being shot out of, and we know the gun is used for incapacitation. Given how bullet speed inherently works, it's absolutely ludicrous to say that we should equalize this particular gun's performance with a gun from 50 years ago that suits a completely different purpose than the one here, using completely different ammo. So I whole heartedly disagree with your first statement.
The gun and speed you are referencing are
slugs fired out of low propellant 40mm launchers. You can't equate to any weapon that can propel rubber bullets for
obvious reasons. Here is an example of what that gun looks like and the size of ammo that is fired from it.
I shouldn't have to explain to you why non low propellant, non riot, real magum, conical shaped bullets, would shoot much faster than this.
2.) Except, it is. A bullet's force is directly related to its mass and velocity. I literally explained to you time and time again why the comparison is invalid and you have yet to actually properly address my points outside of "we just use the low end".
1.) What?
2.) I already explained why less than lethal lines up more with the evidence presented, ESPECIALLY given the bullet being used.
3.) Why do you keep ignoring arguments? Those shotguns fire rubber ball bullets, which are not as lethal (or fast) as smaller, conical bullets.
Here you can find the types of bullets utilized by cops. Here is a
self-defense replica. Notice all of those bullets are either round, or fired out of completely different firing mechanisms than regular guns/have shells that are extremely large.
To make matters worse for your argument, remember my piece about the 60m/s figure being for the low propellant 40mm launcher? Well you literally just proved yourself wrong, as buckshot rubber bullets being shot from a shotgun, are actually
traveling around 240m/s
Rubber Ball shooting hand guns powered by CO2 reach up to 134 m/s.
And the
source you quoted, which specifically beings with the following warning
"These should not be confused with “less lethal” or riot-control projectiles. Rather, these are reusable primer-powered training bullets. I tested both .38 and .44 caliber versions." Was listed as 137m/s within 5 feet.
This huge r
ubber slug (which is the
slowest thing on the page for rubber ammunition) is 220 m/s and if you notice when looking at their catalog, they don't even put the
velocities for the realistic rubber bullet rounds, likely because it would be borderline illegal to sell these faster rounds with a specific velocity stated.
Let's look at Mai again in light of this information.
- Shooting from a magnum. Check.
- Not low propellant rounds or firing mechanism dictated by the power of the magnum and her utilizing a powder mechanism. Bullets are not sponge padded, or spherical and look exactly like regular bullets. Check.
- Strong enough to knock Nobara off her feet from dozens of meters away. Check.
Quite frankly, the argument for 60m/s is ridiculous, and nowhere near next to accurate based on literally all factors we can derive information from given the scene.
When we lack information or the subject of the low end or it is something relatively uniform in nature. Not equalizing all fire mechanisms, launchers, and bullets to a figure given from 50 years based on outdated technology and being completely incomparable to the gun being discussed in this thread.
Good thing I never argued that.
You're strawmanning me. I utilized the Nobara scene to display why 60m/s figure was dumb. Not to derive an explicit KE, or try and directly compare it to a specific speed. That is why I offered the plethora of examples placing the speed well above 200m/s.