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Game Sonic CRT: The End Of A Stellar Era

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Heya everybody, how's your Wednesday going so far? Hopefully very good for those who are up. And to those sleeping in, I hope you have a very bad day you nerds haha. Jokes aside, it's been a long while since the topic of 4-A has been meaningfully brought up and discussed. Over a year by this point, I think? Man, it's been so long. And with the passage of time comes a change in opinions and a change in circumstances.

Well, enough wasting time. Let's get into this!

The Premise​

Over a year ago, it made sense to me that Super Forms should upscale from the Final Egg Blaster's 4-A value. It made sense contextually, and I feel that it still does in many ways. But it's probably time to admit how redundant it is, which I've come to realize after some time. If the wording we have in the profiles is kept the same if scaling AP to the Final Egg Blaster is removed entirely altogether, then that kinda speaks volumes to the fact that there's no reason to inhibit Super Forms to have a low end it doesn't need.

In the Chaos Emeralds' page, in the AP section, it says "(Are sought by Dr. Eggman for their "unimaginable power", making them far superior to all of his machines, which includes the likes of the Final Egg Blaster)". Which... is equally valid if 4-A is removed altogether. At the very least, it just means Super Forms are valid to directly upscale in terms of Speed. So while the Final Egg Blaster can remain if in the Speed justification, all notes of the Final Egg Blaster in AP should be removed. And, as a result... 4-A is removed as well in every profile sans (heh) the Final Egg Blaster itself.

TL;DR: Scaling to the Final Egg Blaster in anything aside from Speed is removed (they scale above that result anyways), meaning 4-A Supers are removed as well.

The Result​

"If 4-A is removed, then what does that mean?"


The Application​

  • Super Forms: All Super Forms become "At least Low 2-C to 2-C". Any mentions of the FEB in the Speed section remain.
    • Any Super Forms that are listed as "4-A to at least Low 2-C, potentially 2-C" will simply turn into "At least Low 2-C, potentially 2-C"
  • Eggman's Mechs: The Super Egg Robot is also placed at Unknown, unless we somehow believe this random bot is Low 2-C. It doesn't even do any meaningful damage to Super Sonic either, like most bosses.
    • The Final Weapon will be bumped up to Low 2-C for having the Master Emerald and at least putting up a fight before Super Sonic takes it down. It fighting Hyper Sonic should most definitely be an outlier.
  • Final Bosses: They should be looked at on a case-by-case basis to see if they should legitimately scale to Low 2-C for fighting Super Sonic (2-C in special cases). Particularly if they have no anti-feats (Black Doom and Final Hazard), or if the context does support them scaling that high (Metal Overlord and Dark Gaia). This can be discussed on the thread, which I can then probably integrate into the OP with the general consensus.


Alas, poor 4-A! We knew it well!

But yeah, that just about covers it. Eat well, exercise, find the demons hiding in your house, etc. Hope you all have a good day, unless you're left-handed. Ciao!
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Question: Isn’t low 2-C to 2-C a little redundant?
There's enough feats for both of them that I think it's best they stay. Otherwise you have Super Sonic always at or near his Solaris-level peak, which goes against the entire lore of the Chaos Emeralds and its basis of varying depending on emotions and aptitude.
Agreed, but some things need to be said first regarding scaling
  • Super Sonic is not a super saiyan form with a set multiplier that gets stronger as he gets strong, otherwise Dark Gaia would be stronger than Solaris, meaning that Super Sonic tier 2 feats coming after some of the games is irrelevant, Classic Sonic in gens fought against the Time Eater afterall, he wasn't portrayed as being inferior
  • A lot of the arguments that scale them to 4-A also apply to low 2-C, the only difference is that Sonic had no 4-A feats, only upscaling, while he has tier 2 feats
  • Furthermore the tier 2 feats are just more consistent than stuff like tier 5, for tier 5 final bosses you have Final Hazard and Dark Gaia, meanwhile for tier 2 you have Egg Salamender, Phantom Ruby, Egg Wizard, Time Eater, Solaris, plus Dark Gaia feat was done by it's weakest form.
  • Eggman's final bosses from Advance 1 and 2 shouldn't scale to Super Sonic, Unleashed intro shows Sonic is willing to go super against his machines if he can and they have no context for super form scaling, best they can be is scaling to the FEB for being built by the same guy with prep
Particularly if they have no anti-feats (Black Doom and Final Hazard),
Final Hazard technically has since it's goal was to destroy the Earth only, but you can argue it's just part of Gerald's revenge rather than it's limit since the Eclipse Cannon is above that feat by itself.
In fact here's a list of all bosses that have below tier 2 feats
  1. Chaos (Destroyed a city and Tikal's high 6-A statment of it destroying the world again, both things base Chaos already scales higher)
  2. Final Hazard (The ARK was going to destroy the Earth, regular Biolizard has higher scaling already)
  3. Dark Gaia (Split the Earth while waking up, regular Dark Gaia already scales above)
I think that's all I can think of right now.
For the record, I fully agree with User. I was mostly just too lazy to acknowledge it sooner lol
Final Hazard technically has since it's goal was to destroy the Earth only, but you can argue it's just part of Gerald's revenge rather than it's limit since the Eclipse Cannon is above that feat by itself.
Didn't the Finalhazard used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to fuse with the ARK? That would also explain how he's able to knock back Super Sonic and Super Shadow

Regardless, I agree with this CRT
Yes, the FinalHazard used the Emeralds power, both Sonic and Shadow confirm it in the JP version,, they're also shocked by it's power.
Yes, the FinalHazard used the Emeralds power, both Sonic and Shadow confirm it in the JP version,, they're also shocked by it's power.
Then it's definitely scales to the Super forms. It should also get invulnerability since it's literally cannot be damaged aside from a special weakspot
The Biolizard would have invulnerability in base, it's like, invencible outside of the life support system
Come to think of it, I'm not sure I agree with the Super Egg Robot being put at "Unknown". It's not like it's the only or even the first time Eggman builds a mech that can keep up with Super Sonic via prep. The only difference is that in this particular instance, they don't specify how he did it. He should at least be "Likely Low 2-C"
Eggman usually had some other power source used to fight Super Sonic, unlike with that bot, hence unknown
Eggman usually had some other power source used to fight Super Sonic, unlike with that bot, hence unknown
Just because we're not aware of the power source doesn't mean he didn't have one. It seems the only argument used to put them at Unknown is the outlier argument... despite the fact that keeping up with Super Sonic is literally the only feat those mechs have. I guess scaling them to the FEB could be seen as another feat that COULD allow them to keep 4-A instead, but it makes much less sense. Especially when the only reason the Advance mechs were 4-A to begin with was because they scaled to a baseline Super Sonic. Now that he's getting upgraded to Low 2-C, they just don't scale anymore? Why? It's not inconceivable for Eggman to make a mech stronger than the Final Egg Blaster if it's explicitly shown to keep up with a Super form.
They would still be 4-A via just scaling to FEB, it's implied the FEB is not particularly hard to make or really impressive by Eggman's standadrs so it could scale to the other machines because of that.
I remember I thought these Super Sonic bosses should be Low 2-C a long time ago, and just stuck with 4-A because they had no tier 2 feats and cuz of the variable power level.

So I guess with this change I’m leaning towards agree, although it will feel weird seeing Metal Overlord so close to Time Eater in strength.
Just because we're not aware of the power source doesn't mean he didn't have one.
And because we don't know we put it at unknown, the tier for things we don't know
Now that he's getting upgraded to Low 2-C, they just don't scale anymore? Why? It's not inconceivable for Eggman to make a mech stronger than the Final Egg Blaster if it's explicitly shown to keep up with a Super form.
I always wanted to downgrade these mechs, I just didn't have the opportunity, plus they can keep 4-A via upscaling from the FEB
And because we don't know we put it at unknown, the tier for things we don't know
Whatever that power source is, we know it's comparable to the baseline power of the emeralds since we straight up see the machines keep up with Super Sonic.

It seems I'm outnumbered here, but are you absolutely sure this doesn't even warrant a "Possibly Low 2-C"?
We don't know if it is comparable to Super Sonic, Unleashed intro shows Sonic is willing to go Super against random mechs and stomp em
We don't know if it is comparable to Super Sonic, Unleashed intro shows Sonic is willing to go Super against random mechs and stomp em
But wasn't it a part of Eggman's plan for Sonic to go Super and lure him into his Chaos Energy Cannon trap?
So do you back me up on this Gilad? What's your stance on Low 2-C Advance final bosses?
So do you back me up on this Gilad? What's your stance on Low 2-C Advance final bosses?
I'm not sure. The machines didn't damage Super Sonic for the most part, but since they were designed to fight against Super Sonic and can keep up with him (when he's not at full power), it might make sense, though just leaving them at 4-A is also fine by me