Everything12 said:
[I'm finished, I bombed but not nuked important govermental and national parts of America while making the news sprout rumours and properganda to incite fury in Americans towards everyone else in the world as I did with Eurasia, then teleported to the Antarica part of Australia, and then turned off Presence Concealment and am now waiting for other super pwoered individual to come to me.]
[Yo, I'm down for that, but In Character my PC has no reason to do so, so would you be up for like, telekinetically telling him that you blew up his favorite soup kitchen or some shit? Thanks fam]
"Yeah Boris lemme tell you, this soup kitchen has the most LOVA-Where.. you at?"
Crepes, did I black out again? I mean, it isn't necessarily a blackout, as no sense of conscious experience was lost and I didn't doze off into dreamland. If anything, it's more like that weird lapse in experience between one moment and another. It's kinda like time stop if you think about it... As everyone's means of experience is halted due to cessation of chronological flow, it's like 'Oh boy can't wait to enjoy this Rocky Road Ice Cream!'... except you never do, some timestopper stole it while time was frozen, then it's all "hey! where did my icecream go?"
Nevermind... I'll just... go by myself.
And so Gilbert turns the corner, only to find that the Soup Kitchen has been, for the lack of a better word...
Completely ******* Evicesrated
At this point, I don't even know how to ******* describe it. The walls are caved in, the smell of burnt flesh, it's like an aborted fetus birthed from the elopement of a brick building and a human female, only to be prematurely denied of life once the parent's know it exists,
only to force it's way forth from her vaginal cavity, and subsequently
Jeff The Killer'd in hopes of ending it's mortifying ******* existence... except it
clearly didn't ******* work.
Gilbert has nowhere to run, nowhere to drown his sorrows in... face to face he must deal with himself and his emotions... And of course whoever did this.