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- 5,250
It's the fairest for Granolah compared to other Granolah matchups since Granolah is often pitted against characters who are barely planetary or barely cosmic and are below solar system busting. Junko is the only multiversal character Granolah is pitted against. Therefore he is Granolah's objectively fairest matchup. Maybe not Junko's fairest matchup (Morgan stomps Junko harder than Junko stomps Granolah tho, Junko isn't tier 1 yet and most people don't believe she is tier 1 while Morgan is a tier 1. You are cherrypicking and choosing which stomps you like and which ones you dislike)I don't think it's the fairest at all, Granolah will get his a** whooped too quick and get haxxed to oblivion so no, i don't see Granolah had a chance at all
And if we talk about higher multiversal thing for Touhou then Granolah is death af....reduced to neutrinos lel
Anyway, my point is that both things are very different. The sadness and anger you feel after losing your family is different from the sadness you feel after all your heroic efforts don't get acknowledged. That makes Junko and Morgan extremely different, they suffered very different types of suffering thus it's a very weak connection. Everyone has suffered, we don't suffer the same. Some suffer more, some suffer less and some suffer in different ways. That is why I don't think it should be thought off as the same.Again, that's only the surface of Morgan backstory
Also grieveness isn't always to be that, grief over how you fail so many times and the life you have gone throught are counted too
The similarities are very vague and the differences are not even contrasts. It doesn't sell. Nuh-uhAnd you missed what i said: A similar traits yet so different way, that's what it sell
CapSo yeah, for me Junko vs Morgan is prolly the best for her for now