They are the amoral founders, owners and CEOs of their namesake corporations (Oscorp Industries and Xanatos Enterprises). Born in the Northeastern United States, both were able to successfully lift themselves out of their impoverished backgrounds and became the head of their companies, with their base of operations established in New York City. It was during their time in New York that both would encounter their iconic archenemy (Spider-Man and Goliath, respectively). In combat, both don powered exoskeletons (The Iron Patriot Armor and The Exo-Frame), emulating the look and appearance of heroic figures (Iron Man and Captain America, and Goliath and the Manhattan Clan, respectively), they were also team leaders (to the Dark Avengers and Steel Clan, respectively), and members of secret socities (The Cabal and The Illuminati, respectively). Both also started families (with Emily Osborn and Fox Xanatos, respectively), and had one child (Harry Osborn and Alexander Fox Xanatos).