Spoiler tagged for those who may not wish to read, it’s pretty off topic
thank you all
He has every sign of hip dysplasia he could possibly have, so I’m treating it as such (he’s a pure bred pocket American bully, who’s about one and a half)
hip dysplasia is most common in a lot of breeds in the pit bull & bulldog family, most commonly develops at about 1-2 years, and is identified by weakness/pain in the hind legs, the dog sitting/being hesitant to stand often, seemingly reluctant to climb stairs/******* up while climbing them, and frequent injury of legs, of which he has all of those symptoms, is the most common breed for it to appear in, is at the perfect age for it to develop, and is a pure breed, meaning that issues specific to those breeds are more common to crop up than usual.
So unfortunately that’s what my baby likely has. I’m getting insurance for him and have to wait a month on insurance before I can have him xrayed in order to get the treatment. So unfortunately we’ll have to be very careful with him over the next month. If I don’t get the insurance I’d be unable to treat him, as depending on the stage of the dysplasia he’d need either medicine, or surgery (worst case scenario full hip replacement but we aren’t at that level of severity) the medicine would cost several hundreds of dollars, and the surgery would likely cost 1,500-3,000 dollars, and I don’t think that’s including X-rays or appointment costs. I wouldn’t be able to afford that and would be forced to set up a crowdfund and pray lol, so the insurance is my best bet for treating my baby.
obv my dog is far more important that this versus shit so if that song purchase would get in the way of his treatment I wouldn’t get it, but if I take up enough extra hours at work and the insurance covers enough for him, I might be able to get away with it.