Took longer than expected, but there we go. I will now make a list of what powers should be changed based on the key (it's not much, really).
"Original" key: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Types 1 & 3), Immortality (Types 1, 2 & 3) Regenerationn (Mid. Regenerated from his severed hand), Plant Manipulation, Duplication (Pieces of his body that fall off can grow into their own beings), Resistance to Pain & Heat Manipulation (Doesn't feel pain anymore sence he became Swamp Thing)
"Avatar of The Green" key: All of the above, as well as, Non-Corporeal (His consciousness can exist without his body. His mind is a function of his astral body, and isn't linked to his brain), Nigh-Omnipresence (Had become the world. His soul is one with the entirety of The Green), Immortality (Types 6 & 8. Reliant to The Green as well as his connection to it), Can reconnect to The Green after having his connection with it cut off, Reality Warping, Regenerationn (High-Godly. Had his body completely destroyed, and the Multiverse he inhabited collapsed, but his essence survived, went into another universe and grew a new body for him there), Possession (Can possess singular seeds and grow new bodies through them anywhere on the world, in other planets light-years away, and even if the Multiverse collapses), Extrasensory Perception (Is aware of what goes on around him through the Green. Can sense all plants on the globe. Can sense alteration on the Green down to a sub-molecular level. Can sense all life on the planet at once and see through their eyes. Can easily locate anyone on the planet. Can sense when beings enter Earth from other planets), Body Control & Natural Weaponry (Can manipulate his body in many ways such as growing a third hand from another place, grow spikes or generete a blade in his arm), Body Puppetry (Took control of Constantine to make him walk after he passed out), Flight (Can naturally fly as his soul/mind or when using certain elements as his body), Enhanced Plant Manipulation (Holds practically absolute control over all plant life across the Planet and also holds some control over Fungus), Sleep Manipulation (Used acids to make Pre-Crisis Superman fall asleep), Shapeshifting/Sizeshifting (Can alter his form into practically anything he desires including growing as large as an entire landmass), Planetary Telepathy (Can read mind by touching the Green as well as accessing someone's memories. Can communicate with others telepathically) Perception Manipulation (Can release a chemical which makes the opponent have hallucination. Can create plants that allow those who eat them to see the world as he does), Teleportation/BFR (Can teleport others through the Green), Astral Projection (Can enter the afterlife), Resistance to Cosmic-level Magic, Possession (Resisted an entity seeking to possess him and casted it out), Existence Erasure (Had his body completely destroyed by the Anti-Monitor's wave of anti-matter but his essence survived), Acausality (Type 1. Exists in a stable Time Loop) and Aquaman level Telepathy
"Post-Parliament of Trees" key: All of the above, as well as enhanced Possession (Can also take control over someone else's body and possessed Constantine, even in other points in time), Soul Manipulation/Stealing, Magic, Enhanced Duplication (Capable of creating multiple bodies for himself, and controlling all of them at once), Healing/Resurrection (Can heal any wound or disease, and revive the dead), Technology Manipulation (Can take control over technology), Absorption & Holy Manipulation (Absorbed wood from the Garden of Eden, and used it to create an armor to protect himself from demons. Can absorb Memory), Stealth Mastery (Sneaked up on a soilder), Animal Manipulation (Released a plague of insects upon Gotham City), Information Analysis (Can scan others), Purification (Resisted an entity seeking to possess him and casted it out), Can bypass virtually any barrier or forcefield (By shifting his strings' vibrations he was capable of passing though The Source Wall), Time Travel (Accidentally time travelled to WWII & 1872. His astral form can travel through the timestream. Talked about his potential to time travel along with other things), Dimensional Travel (His essence can jump into another universe and create a new body for him there), Empathy Manipulation, Mind Manipulation (Can use his plants to make others act primordially, Invaded Aquaman's mind, Influenced Killer Croc into going to his swamp), Memory Manipulation (Can place memories into fruits so whoever eats them will be able to recall these memories, Read the memories of a dead child. Can read the memories of a book as its pages were once a tree), Matter Manipulation (To the point of manipulating the vibration of Quantum-Strings), Vibration Manipulation (Can control vibrations), Enhanced Shapeshifting (shrank to a quantum level and can exist solely as electromagnetic frequencies), Transmutation (Manipulated the flora in someone's gut to turn him into a tree), Creation (Created a body which looked like his wife and an entire town filled with people), Biological Manipulation (Made a human target explode without having to touch it. Can alter the chemical balance in someone's brain), Acid Manipulation (Dissolved a rock monster with acid), Sound Manipulation (Can build air conditioning and make music with his plants). Formerly possibly Death Manipulation as a Black Lantern
"Complete Elemental" key: All of the above, as well as Elemental Manipulation (Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Magma, Electricity and Ice Manipulation. Has complete control over Fire, Earth, Water and Air, the elements that make up Creation. Can reshape mountains, possess an area of land, cause earthquakes, give life to stones and gain control over Earth as a whole. Can access The Melt and The Blue, which connect all magma and water in the same way The Green connects all plant life. Has control over all water on Earth. Can communicate through fire. Can summon lightning and create electricity from his hands. Can freeze blood inside a person), Weather Manipulation (Can create thunderstorms), Intangibility (Elemental, albeit never used to phase through stuff. Can make bodies out of elements such as water or clouds), Life Manipulation (Gave life to a stone), Blood Manipulation & Death Manipulation (Can manipulate the human bloodstream, can freeze blood inside a person, dry out their cranial fluid, burst a person's heart or instantly dehydrate them), Enhanced Biological Manipulation (is one with The Red)