Our job isn't babying users. If he doesn't understand, he can stop and ask, not continue. That's normal person behavior.
I can't really tell what situation you're talking about.
If you meant "he should've stopped making sexual remarks", he did, and that wasn't the situation I was talking about with the issues of understanding.
If you meant "he should've stopped and asked Dread what she meant", I don't think that's very fair, it seemed like a misunderstanding, rather than a complete lack of comprehension. Thinking she said one thing instead of another. A lot of the time, people don't instantly know they misunderstood someone.
It's no so much that being a policy as "this person has had so many RVR reports it's literally useless to talk about him". Seriously, while I don't remember the exact terms of the previous reports, there was a time a few years where it felt like JohnCenaNation was being reported every other week, and every time he deigns to be active he somehow ends up in here again.
He's been consistently active for the past 3 months. (Before that he was sporadically active for a week or two every month for 3 months).
If he's gone from being reported every other week, to being reported once every 3-6 months, that's a marked improvement, and doesn't indicate that he's a lost cause.
EDIT: Since I don't think this is worth a new post, I'll just say that, figure of speech or not, going from being permabanned due to repeated issues and trolling, to being in the clear for 3-6 months, until an issue completely unrelated to past bans came up, indicates improvement in my eyes.