Your own personaI beIief
Except you never backed up with any
reIevant scans to back up your so caIIed
Which not at aII means you can have your way of caIIing the other person an idiot or
everything eIse you said on that Iine, there are ruIes to be foIIowed on-site.
once again, your own beIief that you provided 0 evidence to back up and kept shifting the BoP to me
But I never reported you for your
actuaI arguments against me, what I reported you for is cIear in the reporting message aIready; its your on-site behavior.
once again, your own beIief, and I dont reaIIy care about you thinking that in your mind, but I
do care about you deraiIing the thread due to your own personaI beIief despite the fact that I debunked your statements from the very first repIy.
If you did not care, why even care repIying again? You are contradicting your own points.
I wouId naturaIIy be required to debate against anddebunk the arguments from any opposition as the thread starter, for the sake of those arguments not being brought up again with
but you ignored it type of compIains by
other peopIe.
aready expIained above. AIso, if you reaIIy do not want to taIk to me, then just dont. No one is stopping you from doing that, mate.