Firstly, on
November 20, 2020, Cynic applied those unapproved edits to Karma's profile. He then launched a vs thread in which he defended Karma using those additions. After that, I told Cynic about how the changes were unusable, and he quickly conceded them.
Thus far, nothing has been very horrible. But the thing is, I additionally informed him, and I quote:
According to the edit history, PartialPriority54 appears to have declared ownership of Karma's profile, lol.
if I were to file a report on him, he'd be on the ground for a harsh warning or a ban of a week or two.
In turn, Cynic played dumb and continued to speak to me as if PartialPriority54 was an unrelated third party. Saying this, I quote:
Lol what.... You can do that now? Bruh.
Which, aside from Cynic's clear awareness of what he was doing and lack of self-reflection, somewhat strikes me as a mock attempt.
As for my second and third points,
I did sent a reply to Cynic on my fandom message wall that covered them.
Overall, I feel like I was treated like a fool and that a lot of my time was wasted on pointless conversations.