Even the focus on Earth in Dragon Ball highlights the importance of details and storyline. In the Naruto universe, the only significant reason for threatening anything beyond a planet was Kaguya and her Expansive Truth-Seeking Orb (ETSO). Toneri, on the other hand, had no reason for destroying anything beyond Earth. His plan was to annihilate the planet, and recreate it from scratch, if Naruto hadn’t intervened he would have done just that. Furthermore, Earth is treated as a valuable asset, as shown by the Otsutsuki clan’s need to report on it, indicating its uniqueness compared to other planets. It begs the question: what would an Otsutsuki gain from destroying Earth or the main universe when they rely on harvesting its chakra, it makes not sense plot wise, however it does not limit them to planetary alone.
Casual feats ignored in boruto/naruto,
1. Momoshiki created his dimension
2. Isshiki shaking his dimension in the fight with koji. (shaky)
3. Naruto causing tears in space
4. Kaguya casually shifting the main universe to bring her own dimensions.