Maybe because other wise he would be impossible to win against tbh. Still its IC for sans to abuse everything in his arsenal to win.
That isn't our concern, we still use how he behaves in combat, if he's struck by CIS, we still use that as long as it isn't contradicted, which it is not. The thread that gave him time stop to begin with even says he ain't using it in ways he hasn't.
Like, if we had reason to think Sans could logically use his time stop in such ways, that'd be fair, but his fight against Frisk is a double-edged sword, it tells us in a fight he goes balls to the ******* walls all out with danmaku, TK, gravity, and so on, but it also tells us that even in the worst fight of his life, he didn't use time stop like that even if it would've helped.
Blue Mode is irrelevant that is true I am talking about TK not Blue Mode. Like I said Kars cannot actually change his body to dodge since sans only attacks the soul not the body.
Jesus, this isn't complicated.
If Kars physically avoids the attacks, so does his soul.
He can do it but has he ever done that? Anyways if Kars flies sans can slam him down while the attack is going on to give him a little surprise if he wanted to.
Uh, yeah? Most of his time in Ultimate was spent flying. Like my dude, it's literally his render even.
No, he can't, what part of Kars LS is so much above Sans' TK and Blue Mode that it isn't doing anything? You're comparing Class 25 at BEST, vs someone who's index finger eclipses 500 tons. This isn't even a debate. TK and Blue Mode are worthless here.
Its not complex but your view is wrong. The literal reason sans has durability negation is because he hits the soul directly. If your logic applied sans would be a 10-B fodder remember even when frisk wears heavy armour sans still does the same damage.
I know how the ability works, he hits the soul, but he still
has to hit the body to bypass the body's physical defenses, to hit the soul.
He hits the soul directly, but if the soul is TIED to the body, he has to hit the body to hit the soul, holy shit.
Sans' attacks bypass durability, they don't bypass the act of having to actually hit the enemy.
He needs 2 hits or 1 hit to stay on Kars for less than second. Kars since has the same speed as sans will have to get out before a second passes to stay alive.
Which he can, easily, hell he can dodge them before they even properly spawn with his enhanced senses.
No I am not saying that what I am saying is sans ignores the body and attacks the soul so even if Kars turn himself into a puddle to dodge sans will just hit the soul not the puddle. If he has no soul its a stomp.
Uh, newsflash, nobody is saying he'd turned into a puddle, we're saying he'll like break his spine, bones, muscles, and stretch himself around the attacks basically, avoiding them completely, without the attacks in question ever actually hitting him like some Mr. Fantastic bullshit.
I counted 10 piranhas and 1 octopus. So I don't see how they cover the entire underground and make it impossible for sans to dodge tbh. Do their speed even scale?
Easy, he shoots some more? And nobody said the entire underground, I said the hallway, which is entirely possible, even just 10 tentacles instead of pirahnas would be enough.
I don't see anything I need to respond here tbh.
If your argument is "wow kars would never be able to figure these out lmao", despite explicitly having better analytical and deduction skills than people who have figured out near identical abilities in his verse, idk chief.
Probably why you should've actually responded to the top one, I just named it off.
They come fast and are like extremely tall they also come with the small bones that surprise Kars.
Dude, you know Kars has a vertical leap of at least 18 meters right? You know he can fly kilometers in the sky right? You know he can just straight up dodge them?
Like my dude, Kars OWN bone blades are comparable to those, it isn't anything special let alone unavoidable.
The small bones wont even have the range to hit Kars, and Sans doesn't use those into well into the fight, this fight aint lasting that long unless Kars decides to outlast, and if he decides to just outlast, Sans instant loses as he has no counter.
Dura negging bones that poison the soul isnt special?
They really aren't, even Kars has duraneg, and bones, and just about everybody in this verse has some sort of duraneg, one way or another. Lots being soul-based too.
They're bones, they can be dodged, they will be dodged, they are not special.
The laserbeams are gonna be faster than Kars and will actually one shot this time since they are faster Kars if hit by one wont have enough time to get out before he gets soul haxxed.
I must've said like 5 times Kars would be able to dodge them with his enhanced senses and contortion, or flight, or any of the other options he has. They're faster due to speed equal
even though winning like that in speed equal invalidates a match but they still take a moment to fire, Kars can and will be able to easily read their trajectory and dodge the moment they spawn in due to being able to sense air displacement.
3rd attack against someone who can immediately **** off, or even blind you making you unable to even keep track of him or land your attacks because you don't know where he is, is kind of an issue on his end.
Does kars actually fly away and start to abuse his range?
Did so immediately against Joseph, which is basically his main fight in Ult so yeah.
Expect sans can attack both of them at the same time with danmaku if he watches he will be blasted and die.
No he can't because Sans doesn't have hundreds of meters of range with his attacks.
If Kars just flies up, Sans loses, nothing he has can reach him, not even TK or Blue Mode (despite them both being useless here).
I think the thing you are not getting is just because kars body shifts into something different doesnt mean their soul does too. Like if kars makes his size 10 meters would his soul also be 10 meters? NO.
Actually, it probably would, the soul reflects the physical body in JoJo, it's why we got shit like Chariot having no hands or feet in Part 5 because Pol doesn't, or why the souls always look the same as the physical body in JoJo, like Reimi or ghosts. The only real exception I can think of is with Avdol
but let's be real, Araki ain't gonna draw Avdol's ghost as being two disembodied hands in a serious scene
But no, you completely misunderstand what people are saying,why the **** would Kars make himself a bigger target? The whole point is to just flat out dodge attacks, if Kars bends his body into a noodle by breaking all his bones, his soul issn't gonna be sticking out of his body or some dumb shit like that.
Lad. I am not talking about Blue Mode. Its TK and he uses to slam Kars just because he is stronger doesnt mean sans cannot lift him up.
It does when he can literally fly and control his movement through the air, aka, this would be liek trying to TK Superman through the air, like brother, it ain't working.
Kars will be slammed and before he can abuse his Ls advantage sans will just let him go this might also surprise him since he will assume sans is gonna try to make him stand still
Dude, you act like LS is some ability that has to be activated manually, it isn't, it's a matter of moving. Unless Kars stands still, he's always making use of his LS.
Surprise him? Bruh. You ain't surprising him with basic TK that won't even budge him to begin with.
That danmaku is so different than sans its not even relevant.
Uh, ngl, I think Emerald Splash is actually the better Danmaku, DIO was able to dodge it initially despite being taken off guard and not expecting it.
ES has more projectiles at play.
Kars >>>>>> DIO.
Which he only did with 10 piranhas 1 octopus and 1 squirrel like come on you guys are exaggerating.
Really aren't, context is key. He used enough to get what he wanted done, if he needed more, he'd have used more. Kars himself goes on record and explicitly denotes he will do whatever he must to win, he will do everything he can to win, he doesn't care if it's unfair, dirty, or straight up bullshit, he will do it. In this case, we know he can do it, and did something similar.
For one arguing Sans will use his time stop in ways he never had, the fact you're arguing Kars doing this is OOC (It's absolutely not, has precedence, and already did things close to it) is baffling imo.
sans does the same (nearl)
Yes, near, but not an actual one shot, and only if he lands it for long enough. Meanwhile literally everything Kars does straight up IS a one shot.
Which sans doesnt really care since he can dodge while sleeping. Would it even work on sans? He is inorganic.
Yeah nice try, Sans isn't clairvoyant, he can dodge while sleeping (and even then only barely, he did immediately after to the next one while awake, literally just a 2 hit combo killed Sans), he can't attack shit he doesn't know where it is, you're conflating IR with enhanced senses, and if he had enhanced senses, this would just make it even worse as the blinding light would be even more dazzling.
He being inorganic doesn't mean light doesn't effect him, he sees, all monsters uses lights and lamps and candles and etc, they obviously see light.
Still theres no "hundreds of organism that cover the entire hall"
Unless Kars decides "maybe i should fire just a few more lol".
You're acting as if he has a limit here.
If he uses the squirrel chances are sans grabs the little thing and throws it Kars then starts to danmaku both of them.
Bro, that squirrel literally outstats Sans. He ain't doing shit, he grabs it, he's dying to it.
He can't danmaku someone out of range.
If he gets hit by the blue attacks to the point where he has to abuse his flight he will also abuse his blue attacks.
"to the point he has to-", my dude, Kars is probably leading with flight, and if he doesn't, dude just backflips out of the way of the first attack and while 5 stories high (out of Sans' range, stated kars vertical jump height btw), he just grows wings and flies.
And "if he gets hit by-", why assume Kars would get hit? He can dodge them even on the ground.
This is true but the problem being the blue attacks are really fast and Kars can be caught off guard theres also the fact that sans says enough and just teleports his attack right infront of his face.
Dude, why would Kars get caught off guard when he's expecting things like that? You already confirmed they aren't Sans' leading attack so he'd know bones a thing.
Also I checked,
blue bones are the 16th attack used.
Nice try, Sans doesn't even do that with Frisk, all his time stop/TP attack set ups still enabled Frisk to dodge (and he didn't even start doing that till way later in the fight), and as established, Frisk's dodging ain't shit compared to Kars, like it's not even a contest. And the bones and blue bones ain't even faster, only the blasters are faster here.
he cannot know anything while time is stopped.
Doesn't need to, he'd just figure out time stop is a thing after the fact, and account for it and workaround it. Because mind you, Sans while bloodlusted going all out, merely used it to set up attacks, nothing more, nothing less, like if Sans was sandbagging or not going all out with everything he had in his fight, i could understand thinking maybe in a more serious fight he'd use it in wacky ways, but Frisk was the fight of his life.
Thankfully sans has blasters. How can kars dodge those? They are faster than him and one shot. (kinda)
Jump, fly, do what Frisk did and just move into their blindspots where the beams don't cross over, contortion. Reminder that the gaster blasters have obvious tells, the beam is fast, but them spawning in and firing is not, it's no different than dodging a gun, like you might not be able to dodge the bullet but you could in theory aimdodge, but in this case these guns are huge and not at all small and thus hard to see the trajectory, and once spawned in don't move unlike a gun used by a person who can just shift their arm like 5 degrees to compensate you aimdodging.
This is such a bad argument and ignores how LS works. Kars the moment he wants to move against it, is negdiffing it, and given Kars is probably already in the midst of moving when Sans tries to use it, well...
Stiff breeze fr.
He has to do this in a nano second or something to react which is a horrible NLF. Time stop and start now he sees 10 different attacks and sans in another posi- oh wait he died.
Ignoring the fact Kars quite LITERALLY has beyond nanosecond reaction time
Ya know, bringing up Johnny again, Diego does literally that, set up attacks in his face or in ways he'd have trouble dodging, while moving himself, and Johnny in like every time was able to accurately analyze the situation and scrap by. Kars as mentioned >>> the whole setting in analytical abilities and deduction.
And again, if Frisk could dodge them, Kars can dodge them, it ain't hard, there's a HUGE gap between Frisk and the attacks once time resumes, like unironically 3-7m.
Kars legit just negs gravity/blue mode by existing and does whatever, eventually one shotting Sans, or even outranging or outlasting. Sans wouldn't even be able to beat a squirrel, Kars legit could just throw one at him, one at a time, and see how many Sans can take out before he's exhausted.
I mean that he stomps Frieza in the non canon version lol
Sans Vs. JJ Kars, do it coward