What kind of question is that, if the captains trained why was aizen able to solo the gotei??? If the captains ever trained why was ichigo able to beat them in the soul society?? If they trained how is ginjo able to box them???? If they trained how are the stern folding them??? Wait if they trained how is tokinada fighting 12 of these mfs at the same time???
See how nonsensical that is
Ginjo is stated to have been a hard fight by yama. Ichigo then agrees. It’s irrelevant to me if you don’t consider it hard. Both yama and ichigo do.
Also, fb ichigo could not box hikone. everyone that scales to tokinada is upscalled to Gerard tier
Fb ichigo ~ zero squad < ashwalen shut < big boy Gerard < Chungus Gerard.
As for the captains tranning directly from unmasked,
L'instigateur du complot condamné, la paix est revenue à Soul Society aussi. Chacun se remet à avancer pas à pas Sous la forme d'entraînement, de colère, de frustration face à son propre manque d'expérience...
With the instigator of the plot condemned, peace has returned to Soul Society as well. Each one starts to move forward step by step in the form of training, anger, frustration with their own lack of experience...
and from directly scaling to tsukishima, ichigo, and ginjo.