LordAizenSama said:
Illuminati478 said:
so naruto is the new dragon ball z? streched beyond any conceivable rational? the only good thing about this is that any naruto fan had lost his credit to say Bleach is bad...i won't have to hear about ichigo's kids, while you can continue with you're overly streched series.
the space ninjas will be real.
doesn't make this any less ridiculess, in fact its even more ridiculess. the main reason for DBZ is because at the end of DB everything was fine and dandy, but we didn't know alot about goku's origins, why he had a tail, why he could (albeit not intentionally) turn into the Oozaru form, and why he was so much more talented then any other human on the planet, which were all answerd in a way that in all honesty wasn't that much of a cliche' at the time, which is why it was good until the end of the frieza, afterwards its started to rehash the original plot points of DB on a much larger scale...
with naruto, well, put it blunt its like they were saying 'we have no reason to continue this series anymore, every plot point is closed and completed, but screw it, we're going to create a new manga spin off anyway for the lolz (and, you know, the money)'