One shots do not equal across verses. By this logic, any scenario from any verse where a character one shot someone from a certain tier, they can now one shot all characters in that tier. That isn't how one shots work. Read the wiki, it's right there in the rules. Also, the Nevermore doesn't have a similar scaling chain to Inasa, so again, this doesn't even matter.
Actually, isn't v4 Yang only baseline high 8-c from that feat? One shotting a building+ is grounds for baseline. She doesn't scale higher at all.
Show several examples of one shots across verses being accepted for cross verse debating in a mmaner similar to this, where a character is somewhere in a tier, but because the second character scales to someone that one shot a character that was also somewhere in that tier, they are allowed to one shot the first character. This is blatantly against the rules of how one shots are deemed to work. An around 7.5x AP advantage is required for a one shot outside specific circumstances, of which this is not one of them.
What wind user did Yang one shot. Don't say Flynt Coal, because he was severely damaged when she used his attack against him.
Yang in v4, v5, v6, v7 and in the RWBY compendium has red shells. This is on her profile. You're arguing for something that directly contradicts you. Make a crt if you want her red shells taken off her profile.
Death Battle specifically shows that she has red shells in their video. You just debunked yourself by posting that link. They also say she has limited ammunition of red shells. Heck, they even say the orange shells, which aren't even seen anymore and were likely retconned, are limited. Death Battle would actually be making Yang weaker if you took their word as god, which you shouldn't because by your own admission, since this death Battle was from before v4, it has been retconned.
Dream sequence v4 Yang has red shells.
V6 Yang has red shells, and actively has to load them, which is consistent with the compendium.
V5 Yang has red shells as well.
Even v7 Yang still has red shells.