Hmm, trying to make a Wiki Profile based off a Death Battle. What could go wrong?
Right off the bat, granting Bill all of his Mindscape powers is a
no. There is zero indication that these powers crossover from dream bill to real world bill. None whatsoever. It wasn't accepted in the past and your profile doesn't have a single justification for it, so that's a no.
His Pain Manipulation Resistance is absolutely ridiculous. First off, what do you mean 'other than his eye??' He's never shown to feel pain because that's literally the only time he ever takes real damage in the series apart from Ford shooting his
hat; that's not a feat at all. Second off, the Dipper thing you cited would actually be an anti-feat: it implies that he cannot feel pain
within his Mindscape form, which would mean Physical Bill has no such resistance (as showing by him feeling pain).
His Love Resistance is a joke, get rid of it.
Power Null resistance is very weird because the totem just...turned back to normal? Of course it wouldn't work on Bill, the weirdness wave was literally
caused by him, there's nothing normal for him to turn back to! This isn't useable Power Nullification.
The Teleportation from him going away from Gideon is fair enough but non combat-applicable. The other 'teleportation' feat is pretty lame since Dipper does act at all like Bill disappeared right in front of him...and we see Bill drifting down.
Mind Manipulation:
- That first feat is...not mind manip nor telepathy. "He would trick or possess anyone!" doesn't say that he can read the thoughts of others as he pleases??? I'll assume this is a mistake.
- First off, this feat has no sound (which is important since it's where the feat is coming from). Second it's hard to argue this is even a power of his since he literally never does this in the show despite it being useful in every single appearance he makes. There's Plot-Induced Stupidity and then there's "this probably isn't a power and is a one-off joke".
- The third feat is Bill's dream manip, there's no mind manip here whatsoever.
- In general, Bill's Precognition wouldn't really be combat applicable in any sense given that he uses it to his advantage literally zero times in the series. Again, this can't really be passed over as Character Induced Stupidity: it rather plainly isn't powerful or consistent enough to be marginally useful.
- The first feat doesn't really mean anything since Bill is an incredibly, unbelievably arrogant character. He could easily just believe that it'll happen at some point or just be totally self-assured in his victory. This would be like Doctor Doom saying "One day, I will destroy you, Richards!" and giving him Precognition for defeating him later on.
- Second feat is better but it's literally just Bill waving his arms and screaming after suddenly leaving a dreamscape. Given that Bill has been doing this for thousands of years at minimum, it doesn't seem too hard to just...predict. Dipper's reaction isn't that specific.
- Third feat can be passed off as a joke. Fourth feat is a joke I've heard in real life.
- Fifth feat is the only real support for Precognition but it'd be Limited since bill can only really see how someone dies (and not in any way that helps since despite him apparently knowing how and when Ford dies he couldn't piece together that he probably loses).
- Sixth feat is Clairvoyance.
Memory Manip should be limited.
Non-Physical Interaction should be given a 'Possible' rating since it's extremely vague. Air Manipulation is so random that I honestly don't know if we should give it a Possible rating.
Changing an intro of a show doesn't really count for Plot Manipulation, especially since it's (to my knowledge) never actually acknowledged in the show itself.
Get rid of the Enhanced on his Energy Projection (especially Time Baby's).
His intangibility seems pretty fake as I (a) feel like he would've used it at least once outside of this and (b) it looks more like a portal of sorts? At best you could give him limited Space Manipulation.
"Has the ability to control space
entirely with likely no restrictions". Where the flying **** did that last line come from?
Type 7 size manipulation should be "Type 6, Possibly Type 7" since Ford growing to the size of a galaxy is a vision--from a Bill trying to trick Ford into allying with him.
Power Bestowal has no link.
Infinite Perception Speed seems incredibly fake to me, because (a) we see Bill being taken by surprise at least a few times in the series and (b) this assumes that he was seeing every single side of the kaleidoscope and that he was experiencing everything all at once. I can imagine why this wouldn't be the it's a no from me.
Durability should be Possibly Galaxy Level, same as Lifting Strength.
Infinite Stamina for the Mindscape should be changed to Unknown since it has incredibly flimsy reasoning. It applying to RW Bill is, as stated at the beginning of this post, wrong.
His Multiversal+ Range is entirely unjustified (and I am struggling to recall what it could even be based off in the first place).
I made a CRT for this but his Extraordinary Genius rating on the normal profile
was flawed then, and since it hasn't changed it's flawed now.
Attack Potency:
- "Weirdmageddon already affected the multiverse due to rips in other dimensions" does literally nothing for Bill's AP here because it wouldn't be an AP feat. At very best it'd be used for his range but since it was unintentional, delete this from his AP rating. It doesn't support Weirdmageddon being a multiversal threat at all.
- Also we see four dimensions, which is terrible proof for a justification for it affecting the entire multiverse.
- The two citations of Bill threatening the multiverse likely refer to him being able to travel across the multiverse, not being able to destroy it all outright. "He threatens x, so he destroys x!" as sole justification for a rating is a thoroughly debunked line of logic on the Wiki.
- 'A rip destroying the fabric of existence' was referring exclusively to Dimension 46, the dimension Gravity Falls takes place in.
- "Bill is the king of the Nightmare Realm and controls all of it..." He controls it? Where is this from?
- Bill being the King of the Nightmare Realm means nothing for his rating, delete this.
- Seeing all of human history in it does nothing for this rating.
- Where does 'a Pentrose Triangle is 4-dimensional' come from? Pentrose triangles are 2-dimensional optical illusions; at best, the Wikipedia article on Pentrose Triangles claim that they are hypothetically possible in a three dimensional space.
- Fifth-dimensional calculus is the best proof you've got but it's also pretty flimsy since a direct link between that and the dimension being fifth-dimensional is impossible to ascertain (calculus is really complicated and there's a myriad of reasons Ford could bring it up).
- "Bill's death caused the rip to close implying he was the one keeping it open and was likely going to increase the size, Ford at that point couldn't find an energy source powerful enough to kill Bill despite the fact he created something capable of containing the rift)"
- I'm not a fan of the Bill subsisting the Rift arguments as a whole due to the rift existing independent of Bill upon creation and for a while after the fact. You could argue "rifts are what allowed Bill to travel from the Nightmare Realm' but I don't agree with that because the comics show us that the other rifts allowed for the exact same thing.
- Containing the rift would be a matter of space-time manipulation, not anything that you could equivocate to 'power'.
- 'Ford at that point couldn't find an energy source powerful enough to kill Bill' is a really dishonest interpretation of that scan. He (a) couldn't find a fuel source for a weapon that could kill him and (b) even if a wasn't a thing, he says he can't find something "with the necessary power and the required stability". This implies he did find an energy source powerful enough, but not stable enough.
Keep the page as is.