Aight big hot take here perhaps but uh
The Jetstream Sam fight was very overrated. People treat it like it's the best fight in the game but in reality it's actually not in my opinion. The lack of mechanics makes it raw, yes, but at the same time it takes away from the memorability of the fight since in the end it basically becomes a cycle of parrying a bit and then slashing a bit at the right time. The arena sucked too for some reason and camera didn't work well with us. You'd go one direction and ended up going slightly off course which would mess with the fight. Maybe that was sth that only affected me, idk, but it was present when I played.
I also think the bounciness of Sam is a problem. He lets himself get punched around, combo'd into the air and more and it just feels underwhelming. Yeah it is kind of an equal fight that way but at the same time this takes away from his stance as a boss.
Personally I'd say that the better fight here is actually Monsoon. His music fits the fight itself better as it matches the speed and intensity. The parry game is hard but perfectly parrying all of Monsoon's onslaught is so damn satisfying. The entire fight feels like, well, a proper and super intense fight. There's some BS here and there but the difficulty here felt good and the camera worked with you very well.