@Calc Members
The only Timeframe we can use in real time is the 10 seconds that show the Meteor flying from far away in space to the planet? There's no characters talking inbetween and it's one clear progression shot, of the Meteor going from point A to Point B, Everything afterwards is slowed down, has inner dialogue, and is timed awkwardly due to cinematic time, the only argument that would disprove the cinematic slowdown would be that everything afterwards, that being the 110 seconds is in real time, which would mean that the Meteor slowed down to a unreasonable degree that's clearly illogical and would most definitely break the scene, therefore the 10 second time period is the only thing that works, we did this before when we had the manga, so we should do it here as well, the Meteor should only be assumed to have slowed down to 70% of its Max speed which is how Meteors work in real life, because assuming a random other slow-downed speed or believing that everything afterwards is in real time just breaks the story and basic logic, the major reason behind considering the 110 seconds to be in real time is just to prevent an upgrade, and said argument may have somewhat of a point, but has so many flaws in it compared to the alternative, there's a lot more supporting that we count everything past the 10 second mark as Cinematic Time and just use the 10 seconds
EDIT: I went back and looked at those 109 seconds after the meteor enters the atmosphere and it's silly how much of it is cinematic time, we see...
- 42 seconds of Erza inner monologue
- 5 seconds of Fodder Dialogue
- 5 seconds of Irene Dialogue
- 21 seconds of Erza jumping up at the Meteor
- 36 seconds of Erza Dialogue where the Meteor apparently stops moving and is right in front of Erza's face which we see is going at an acceleration where she would get hit in 2 seconds, but she talks in mid air for 36 seconds, hence cinematic time
Basically, there we don't even see the Meteor for the majority of these 109 seconds, meaning that this supposedly being real time is simply ridiculous
See how close the Meteor and Erza get close to each other, well this scene is immediately followed by 36 Seconds of Erza talking in mid-air, If this was all real time, then Erza would have no time to talk for 36 Seconds, because the Meteor would crash into her in like 2 seconds based on the acceleration they're going at in this scene, meaning that all this is slowed down for cinematic time, and therefore the 109 seconds should not be added onto the timeframe of the calc, as those 109 seconds are artificially there just to show what the characters are thinking in a brief moment and show us what they're doing, if this scene was done in real time, you would blink and it would be over